Chapter 24: Fractured

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Sam got up from the couch he'd fallen to when Azazel died and leaned in to put pressure on his father's wound. Dean collapsed in front of John with pleading eyes. "It's gonna be okay dad. We're getting you to a hospital." He looked up to Bobby and begged him to go start the car. John spoke to his son with tears in his eyes. "Dean," he coughed. "I'm not going anywhere son." Sam looked silently at his father as a tear escaped his eye. "Dad please.." I could feel the raw pain in his voice and it gripped my heart, remembering when I lost my own father all those years ago. I cautiously approached him and kneeling, I put my hand softly on his shoulder. Tears now streamed down Dean's face and John spoke up one last time. "It's okay.." he looked from one son to the next with love in his eyes. "We finally got him and I can go knowing both my boys will be safe." John's eyes closed and I squeezed Dean's shoulder. I knew I couldn't take away this pain but I wanted him to know I understood and I was there for him. Dean suddenly stood and ran out the front door.

I slowly inched my way to the front door. I couldn't leave him alone but I knew he probably needed a minute. I peaked out the front door to see he'd hopped in his car and started the engine. "Dean wait!" I yelled and started to run out the door. Bobby stopped me. "It's best to give him a little time. He'll come around kid." I turned to Jo, threw myself in her arms and cried. Sam and Bobby began to clean up some of the carnage left in the house as Jo swept me away to the other side of the house. She found a spare bedroom and convinced me to lay down. Exhaustion took over as I began to come down off the adrenaline and my eyes became heavy. Jo gave me an empathetic smile as I drifted off to sleep.

I awoke a few hours later and jumped off the bed when the memories of the night's events came rushing back. I walked through the living room to see most of the mess had been cleared away and John was gone. Jo sat on the couch with tears in her eyes while speaking on the phone with what sounded like her mom. I squeezed her shoulder and she smiled at me. I made my way to the front door that I could see ajar from the corner of my eye. Sam, Dean and Bobby were out on the front porch sipping on beers. I walked out and Dean looked up at me. We both looked into each other's eyes, not knowing where to start. Sam cleared his throat and looked at Bobby. They both got up and went inside.

I sat next to Dean on the porch swing, his head was bowed. I grabbed his hands and squeezed them, a tear escaped the corner of his eye. He reached up and brushed his thumb across my face. "I'm glad you're okay Andrea." I gave him a hesitant smile and pulled him into my embrace. Dean sighed heavily and leaned into my arms. After a minute or two he pulled away and tenderly reached for my face. "I can't lose you." He spoke quietly. "I'm right here Dean." A soft smile hit his lips, not quite reaching his eyes. Dean suddenly gave me determined look. His eyes seemed clear and focused. "I love you Andrea. " I gasped, fresh tears cascading down my face. Dean gently wiped my face with his thumbs and pulled me into his lips. The kiss was everything I ever needed, slow and tender. It felt like I was right where I was meant to be.

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