Chapter 26

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(So this is gonna be basically the last chapter, but from Matty's POV)

I walked in while looking down at my phone. Today had been a shitty day, and I've been trying to get ahold of Ember, but it's been going straight to voice-mail all day. "Jeez babe, I thought you would be more excited to see me." I heard. Immediately, I looked up, and I was in pure shock. She's here. Like actually here.

"Are you really here?" I asked her. She laughed, and I immediately jumped on the bed, landing on top of her, causing her to fall down completely on the bed. "Fuck I've missed you so much." I said to her. "I missed you too." She said softlh . I pulled away slightly from her before i leaned down and kissed her. I missed this so much. As we pulled apart, I looked at her with a wide smile. "How are you here?" I asked her in shock. "I got some help from George." She told me with a smile. "What are you doing here? I mean, don't get me wrong, I love that you are here. But what are you doing here?" I asked her. I mean, I wasn't expecting this what so ever.

"I uh- I just needed to see you." She said softly and slightly stuttering. "Is everything okay?" I asked, knowing something wasn't right. "Yeah, of course." She said with the worst fake smile. "Are you sure? Something sounds off." I said to her. "Yeah, I'm okay." She said, smiling again. I leaned down and kissed her again. "How long are you staying?" I asked. She let out a soft sigh, "Sadly, only till tomorrow night." She said. "What? Why?" I asked her.

"It's complicated." She said inna softer tone than normal. I knew something was up. I hope she knows she can always talk to me. We both sat up, and I looked at her. "What's going on, love?" I asked her.

"Ummm..." She said. I softly grabbed her hand and looked at her. "It's okay, whatever is going on, it'll be okay." I said. "I uh- I'm pregnant." She said as almost a whisper. Did i hear her right? "What?" I asked her. "Yeah, I found out about 3 weeks ago. I'm 8 weeks along." She said. "Don't lie about this shit Ember." I said, not believing this. She can't be pregnant. "I'm not." She said softly. She reached into her back and pulled out a thin pink and white plastic test, along with a picture. She placed both things in my hands. It was an ultrasound picture. She is pregnant. "I-I need some air." I said as I stood up. I put the test and picture on the hotel bed, and I walked out. I began pacing, and I didn't know what to do. I decided to head back to tonight's venue.

*At the venue*

I tried to focus on something else, but I couldn't. I knew I fuckes up walking out on Ember, so I decided to try to call her. I have to tell her I'm sorry for walking out. I went to call her, but my phone died before I could call. "FUCK!" I yelled before I threw my phone across the room. I didn't care where it went. I knew I fucked up.

"What the fuck is going on!?" Ross yelled. "Fuck off." I said. "What happened?" He asked me. "Ember- She's fucking pregnant." I said. "That's great!" He said. "No, it's not fucking great! We've only been dating a short time, we can just have a fucking kid! I mean, we literally live in two different countries!" I said. "Well, it's a little late, mate." He said. "You don't understand. I can't be a fucking dad. I'm so fucked up in the head, I'll screw this kid up. Along with that I'm gonna end up fucking up my relationship, which by the way, is the best fucking thing to ever happen to me." I said as I continued pacing.

"What did you say when Ember told you?" He asked me. I felt horrible as it was, but he was about to make me feel worse. "I uh- I walked out." I said. "Are you serious!? You left her after she told you!?! All because you're fucking scared!? Grow the fuck up man! How do you think she feels right now!?" He yelled. "I-" I stopped. Nothing I could say right now would make this right. "You're a real fucking asshole fornwalking out on her. You better go fucking fix this, instead of throwing your fucking phone across the room. You literally put a hole in the wall that we're now gonna have to pay for." He said. I looked at where my phone had hit the wall. "Shit." I said under my breath."

I knew Ross was right, I immediately ran back to the hotel from the venue. I opened the door. Out of breath, I started to talk to her. "Ember- I'm so fucking sorry- for walking out. I-" I stopped realizing she wasn't on the bed. I looked around the room. She wasn't in here. I checked the bathroom, and she wasn't there either. I looked at the nightstand, seeing the test, the picture, and a note.

"I'm so sorry, I never meant to have this happen. Don't worry, we will stay out of your life, I won't ask for anything, and no one will know that they're your kid. I'm so sorry, Matty."

"FUCK!" I yelled.

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