A Night's Folly

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"We're here to observe, not make promises."

Caerus simply nodded at Lucian's remark as they made their way through the now busy streets, watching as the people came alive again, gathering supplies, mending armor, and sharpening tools. As they approached the cathedral, the low hum of whispered conversations filled the air. The large cathedral was dimly lit, the flickering candles casting eerie shadows on the worn faces of the soldiers gathered around a large table covered in maps and documents.

At the head of the table stood General Roderick, a weathered and determined man with a scar across his cheek, and Marseille, which surprised Caerus. As Caerus and Lucian approached, Marseille turned his attention toward them and greeted the young man with a smile, a look of amazement on his face still surprised by Caerus's change. He must have noticed the look on Caerus's face as he spoke.

"Surprised to see me, Caerus?" Marseille chuckled. "I used to be the chief mason after my stint as a soldier with your dad. Then retired to be a pub owner with Phoebe."

General Roderick then turned to the new arrivals, his gaze filled with a mix of exhaustion and resolve.

"Caerus," General Roderick greeted him with a weary smile. "And this must be Lucian, glad you could make it. I've been wanting to meet you."

"We apologize for the delay," Lucian replied. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well General. We encountered some unforeseen complications on our way here."

General Roderick nodded understandingly. "No worries. We've all faced our fair share of obstacles lately. The important thing is that you're here now."

Caerus and Lucian took their seats at the table, their eyes drawn to the assortment of maps and blueprints spread out before them. Other prominent figures milled about the room, their eyes wandering toward the pair of newcomers. The room fell silent, anticipation building as they awaited General Roderick's briefing.

"Here's what we know," General Roderick began, his voice steady and authoritative. "A separate faction known only as the scavengers is being led by a man named Julio. When the gates fell, Julio's forces kept the city gates from falling under Laresian control. They've created a significant defense, drawing the majority of the Laresian forces away from the city walls and towards the gates."

He pointed to a map depicting the city's layout, his finger tracing the route of the diversionary attack. "Their forces are quickly dwindling and tonight they are assumed to sell the city to the enemy. Opening the gates for entry to the Laresian army."

Caerus's ears rang at the implications, Julio was prepared to be a traitor to the citizens of his home, some of them being his flesh and blood. Caerus's eyes flickered red for a brief moment, Lucian held his shoulder to calm him.

"I have an idea," Lucian spoke up. "But you'll have to bear with this idea. And it may go against your moral code." Intrigued, General Roderick stared at Lucian, the wrinkles in his eyes taut in anticipation.

"Go on."

Without further provocation, Lucian let lifeblood into his veins, his eyes glowed with crimson light and his hair flared like crimson fire. The room echoed with the sound of disapproval and anger. People who've been seated stood in protest, their hands at the ready by their swords' pommel. Marseille and General Roderick cringed at the sight, to which the old General spoke first.

"I thought you said Caerus was the Laresian!" General Roderick said, "Now we have two of them within our midst. You cast your favor with these monsters Marseille!"

"I did not know!" Marseille said mortified. "And for your edification, Caerus is not a monster. He is like a son to me." Marseille glared at the old General. Caerus felt relieved and his heart filled with gratitude for Marseille's defense.

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