Exiled at the Threshold

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Unburdened by the politics of the kingdoms, Oakcrest stood mightily as a pillar of independence from royalty and nobility. An independent and free city, governed only by politics and freedom.

The sun dipped below the horizon as Elaine's caravan rolled to a stop at the imposing gates of Oakcrest. The weary travelers sighed with relief, for their arduous journey from Liliosa had finally reached its destination. Yet, their relief was short-lived, as the gatekeepers eyed them warily, their expressions a mix of suspicion and fear.

Elaine stepped down from her carriage, her heart pounding with anticipation and anxiety. Her vision had returned, but the world remained blurry, a haze of indistinct shapes and forms. She could make out the outlines of the guards before her, but their faces remained shrouded in obscurity.

"I come seeking asylum for the people of Liliosa," Elaine called out, her voice trembling slightly. "We fled the destruction brought upon our village by the Laresian army. Please, grant us entry."

The gatekeeper's eyes narrowed as he studied Elaine and the ragged refugees behind her. "We cannot risk angering the Laresians, especially in these uncertain times. We have no evidence that the army pursues you. You and your people must turn back."

Elaine's heart sank, but she refused to back down. She had seen the devastation wrought by the Laresians firsthand, and she couldn't bear the thought of leading her people back into their clutches. She knew she had to convince the mayor of Oakcrest to grant them sanctuary.

With determination, Elaine requested an audience with the mayor, pleading for the lives of the displaced villagers. She held Edith's small hand tightly, her young charge standing beside her, the innocence in her eyes a stark contrast to the turmoil that had befallen them.

Finally, after hours of waiting and negotiating, Elaine was granted an audience with Mayor Harrison, a stern and calculating figure who held the fate of the refugees in his hands.

Elaine entered the grand hall, her heart pounding. The room was adorned with tapestries depicting the city's illustrious history, but the air held a chilly formality that sent shivers down her spine.

"Mayor Harrison," Elaine began, her voice steady despite the butterflies in her stomach. "I come before you to seek asylum for the people of Liliosa. As heir to the dukedom of Reginald Barclay, I've come to parlay with you and the citizens of Oakcrest. Our city has been ravaged, and we have nothing left. We seek only safety and a place to gather our strength enough to travel to Caernarfon. Please grant us a chance to rebuild our lives."

Mayor Harrison leaned back in his ornate chair, his eyes appraising Elaine with a shrewd gaze. "I understand your plight, Elaine. However, we cannot afford to risk the wrath of the Laresian army. Our city is already on the edge of political turmoil, and harboring refugees could be seen as an act of aggression."

Elaine's heart sank as she realized the gravity of the situation. The politics of the realm were woven into their struggle for survival, leaving them at the mercy of the mayor's decisions. With the election period coming soon, Elaine knew that her pleas would not be heard here, but she had to try.

"But Mayor Harrison, these people have nowhere else to go," Elaine began. "They have suffered unimaginable losses. Is there no compassion left in your heart?"

The mayor's expression softened, a flicker of sympathy in his eyes. "I have compassion, Elaine, but my hands are tied. I cannot risk the safety of our city and its people. However, I can offer you rations for your journey to Caernarfon."

Elaine fought back tears, a mix of disappointment and frustration welling up inside her. She had hoped for more, but the political landscape had dictated their fate.

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