Lost Knowledge

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Caerus jolted awake, his heart pounding in his chest as he gasped for breath. The haunting images of that fateful day at the Civic Athenaeum played before his eyes once more, and he could feel the weight of guilt and grief crushing his chest. Night after night, the same night terrors plagued him, leaving him in a state of perpetual exhaustion.

He sat up in his bed, his body drenched in a cold sweat, shivering in the wintry air. The darkness of the night seemed to swallow him whole as he struggled to regain his composure. Taking a deep breath, he reached for the lamp on his nightstand, illuminating the room with a soft, flickering light.

Caerus then reached into his bag, fingers brushing against the familiar texture of cloth as he sought out a change of clothes. The memory of Caspian's fall and the subsequent chaos still reverberated within him, a constant companion in the darkness. But then, his touch brushed against a small, forgotten corner of the bag, and his curiosity was piqued.

Carefully withdrawing the item, his eyes fell upon the gift box he had received from Elaine. It had been nestled among his belongings, buried beneath the weight of his responsibilities and the turmoil of their journey. The box, adorned with colorful and delicate patterns of parchment and beautifully wrapped in yellow ribbon, seemed to beckon him, a hidden treasure waiting to be rediscovered.

His fingers traced the edges of the box, marveling at the design of the paper wrapping. The bow captured his attention as he wondered at the care that had gone into its creation. With a sense of anticipation, he pulled the ribbon and slowly unwrapped the parchment, revealing its contents. A warm smile curled upon his lips as his gaze settled upon an intricately designed oriental wooden mask.

The mask depicted a pierrot, its features frozen in a whimsical smile. The wood had been meticulously carved, each delicate line etched with precision. One side of the mask was painted white with a black line depicting a smile while the other side was painted in an invertedly. The mask seemed to radiate a sense of joy and playfulness, a stark contrast to the shadows that had recently clouded Caerus's world.

A soft chuckle escaped him, a sound that felt foreign yet strangely cathartic. His laughter, buried beneath layers of grief and despair, found its way to the surface. He lifted the mask from its cushioned bed, holding it before him as though gazing into the eyes of an old friend.

As he examined the mask, he noticed a folded piece of paper tucked within the box. With gentle fingers, he retrieved the note and unfolded it, revealing Elaine's elegant handwriting. The words danced upon the parchment, a heartfelt message that brought warmth to his heart.


On your 18th birthday, I wanted to give you something that would bring a smile to your face. I bought this mask from a traveling merchant who recently arrived from the Kojachi Archipelago. It reminded me so much of you. Smiling on the surface, but hiding who you are from the world, fearful of their gaze.

You no longer need to hide from the world, but when you do, I hope this mask can reflect a fraction of the smile you keep hidden. Your strength and resilience inspire me every day.

With love,


Caerus's gaze lingered on the words, each letter a testament to the bond they shared and the unwavering support they offered one another. The weight that had burdened him seemed to lift if only for a moment, replaced by a sense of connection and belonging.

Clutching the mask and the note, he allowed himself a moment of reflection. Amidst the storied walls of the Civic Athenaeum, he found a respite from the turmoil of recent events. Tears welled up in eyes, in contrast to the smile he had on his lips.

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