The Civic Athenaeum

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Caerus and Caspian followed Ryker through the dim and musty corridors of the Civic Athenaeum, the air thick with the scent of old tomes and ancient knowledge. The darkness seemed to envelop them as they descended further into the heart of the Civic Athenaeum, their nerves on edge from the anticipation of what lay ahead.

The spiral stone stairway before them appeared to be the gateway to unknown depths. Caerus's heart pounded in his chest as they followed Ryker down, their footsteps echoing through the cold, ancient stone.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Caspian?" Caerus whispered, casting a nervous glance around the eerie surroundings.

Caspian swallowed hard but nodded determinedly. "Ryker seems to know the way, and besides, we've come here for Erasmus. We cannot pass up the chance to meet him, even if we get detoured a little bit within the Civic Athenaeum's depths."

As they reached the deepest chambers, a peculiar sight greeted them. The floor was littered with metal parts, shavings, and chips, creating an unusual amalgamation of craftsmanship and mystery. In one corner, they noticed a peculiar rod of hollowed metal and springs, and some viscous liquid seeped from a nearby table to the floor.

On the table lay a metal frame, with what appeared to be handlebars and gears. It was a rudimentary engine, an invention that seemed out of place within the ancient halls of the Civic Athenaeum.

Ryker turned to them, a glint of excitement in his eyes. "Welcome to the heart of my work, my friends. Here lies the culmination of my endeavors—a creation born of magic and engineering."

Caerus and Caspian exchanged puzzled glances, intrigued by Ryker's revelations. "What is this?" Caerus asked, his curiosity piqued.

Ryker smiled a hint of mischief in his demeanor. "This is a contraption that harnesses the powers of both magic and machinery—a fusion of ancient knowledge and modern innovation. It is a means of transportation, one that I believe will revolutionize travel and exploration. Gone are the scheduled train rides and waiting on carriages. We'll be able to travel at a moment's notice, as we please!"

Caspian's eyes widened with excitement. "You've built a minuscule train engine? In the depths of the Civic Athenaeum?"

Caerus's eyes also widened but for a different reason. "What's an engine and a train?"

Both his companions stared at him dumbfounded. Caspian had forgotten that his friend grew up on the outskirts of the Zakarian kingdom.

"A train is... well it's... um..." Caspian mumbled. "What is a train again?"

Ryker rolled his eyes. "A train is a form of land transportation consisting of a series of connected vehicles or carriages that run on rails or tracks. It is commonly used to transport passengers, goods, or both, over long distances and is an essential part of many public transportation systems and freight logistics in the Common and Edwardian Territories."

"What?" Caerus asked, clearly dizzy with the technical terms Ryker had used.

"Put simply," Caspian answered, fighting against a smirk, "Metal worm on a trail of wood and steel, carrying both people and crates."

Caerus's eyes widened with excitement. Though still confused by the highly technical description of a train. He stood awestruck at the innovations the world had to offer. "And what about an engine?" He spoke, nearly squealing with anticipation.

"Well... the front part of a train, called the locomotive or engine, is responsible for providing the motive power to move the entire train forward," Ryker spoke, his index finger waving. "It is typically powered by coal and steam. But my invention does not require such costly types of fuel."

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