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In the dim, flickering light of torches, Lucian and Erasmus led the desperate citizens of Verdania through the labyrinthine sewers. The air was damp and filled with the metallic scent of moisture and earth. Echoes of distant explosions reverberated through the tunnels, a haunting reminder of the chaos and destruction unfolding above ground, the Laresian army entered the city.

The citizens, a mix of young and old, men and women, pushed forward with a mixture of fear and determination. Whispers of worry and anger rippled through the crowd, each step fueling their urgency. Lucian could feel the tension in the air, the weight of their city's impending fate pressing heavily upon them.

Ahead, a large portion of the sewer passage had collapsed, blocking their path. Murmurs of frustration and panic spread like wildfire. People looked to Lucian and Erasmus for guidance, their eyes filled with a desperate plea for hope.

"We can't stop now," Erasmus called out, his voice projecting strength. "There's an access tunnel just beyond this rubble. We'll find a way through."

Lucian and Erasmus worked their way through the crowd, clearing a path with urgency. The tunnel was tight and confined, barely enough space for a person to crawl through. The citizens exchanged worried glances, hesitating at the prospect of squeezing through the narrow passage.

Lucian knelt beside a young boy, his eyes wide with fear. "Hey there," he said softly, offering a reassuring smile. "We're going to get through this, okay? Just follow me and Erasmus. We'll make sure you all reach safety."

The boy nodded – his small hand clutching Lucian's for comfort. One by one, the citizens began to crawl through the access tunnel, their determination overriding their fear. Lucian and Erasmus took turns guiding and encouraging them, their voices a constant source of reassurance.

As they progressed through the tunnel, Lucian's heart ached for the people he was leading. He couldn't help but think of all they had endured, the sacrifices they had made, and the uncertainty of what lay ahead. But he resolved to do everything in his power to ensure their safety.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they emerged from the access tunnel into another section of the sewer network. The citizens let out sighs of relief, their faces illuminated by a renewed sense of hope. Lucian exchanged a weary but determined glance with Erasmus.

"We press on," Lucian declared, his voice firm. "We're almost there. Just a little bit farther."

The citizens nodded – their weariness tempered by their fortitude. With newfound resolve, they continued to follow Lucian and Erasmus through the winding tunnels, each step bringing them closer to their destination. The echoes of Laresian soldiers' boots grew fainter, drowned out by the steady rhythm of their progress.

Emerging from the dark confines of the sewer, Lucian's heart raced as he led the citizens of Verdania out into the open air. The sky above was a canvas of gray and gloom, matching the somber atmosphere that hung heavy over their heads. Their escape had taken them beyond the city's borders, and they now stood at the edge of the dense forests that surrounded Verdania.

The sounds of chaos echoed behind them, a cacophony of destruction and desperation that told a harrowing tale. Lucian's ears caught the distant cries of Laresian soldiers, their harsh voices ringing out as they ransacked homes in search of the citizens who had managed to flee. Fear and urgency fueled their steps, urging them to move faster, to put as much distance between themselves and the city as possible.

Lucian's voice cut through the air like a rallying cry as he turned to face the citizens. "Keep moving! Follow us!" he yelled – his words laced with urgency. He sprinted forward, leading the way into the depths of the forest, his heart pounding in his chest.

The Dawn of MaliceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin