Requiem of a Noble

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In a small, secluded room of the Barclay estate, Elaine and her grandfather, Duke Reginald Barclay, were engaged in a hushed conversation. The flickering candlelight cast shadows on the ornate walls adorned with portraits of esteemed ancestors. Lucian lay on a nearby bed, still unconscious but stable, his breathing shallow but steady.

Reginald's brow furrowed with concern as he spoke softly to Elaine, "We must ensure Lucian receives the best care without attracting unwanted attention. His injuries are severe, and the wrong eyes could pose a great danger to us and him."

Elaine nodded – her worry evident in her eyes. "I understand, Grandfather. We cannot risk anyone discovering his identity. But how do we find a physician skilled enough to treat a Laresian in secrecy?"

Reginald took a thoughtful pause before replying, "I have contacts in the city who can help. I'll discreetly inquire about skilled physicians who are willing to keep this matter confidential."

As they continued their discussion, the doors to the chamber creaked open, and Caroline Barclay, Elaine's grandmother, entered the room with Edith by her side. The young girl's eyes seemed distant, lost in her thoughts, but when she saw Elaine, a small smile graced her lips.

"Elaine," Edith murmured, "I bring word from the refugee camp. We have been granted permission to move to the farmlands of the Barclay family."

Elaine's eyes brightened with relief. "That's wonderful news, Edith! Thank you for delivering the message. It will be a safer place for everyone."

Edith straightened – her expression determined. "I wish to serve you, Elaine. I want to be your assistant and help in any way I can."

Caroline's eyes narrowed disapprovingly, her voice stern, "You must understand your place, girl. We are allowing you to stay within the estate only to watch over Lucian and ensure his well-being. You are not to meddle in the affairs of nobility."

Elaine interjected, her voice firm yet compassionate, "Edith, you are welcome to stay close to me, but you must follow the rules of the estate. We cannot risk your life any further."

Edith nodded, her gaze lowering. "I understand, Lady Elaine. I won't cause any trouble."

Caroline's expression softened slightly, and she sighed. "Just see to it that Lucian is cared for, and that's all you need to concern yourself with."

Elaine turned to her grandfather, gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you, Grandfather. With Edith's assistance, I can focus on overseeing the refugee camp's relocation and ensuring Lucian receives the treatment he needs."

Reginald smiled warmly, placing a hand on Elaine's shoulder. "You are strong and capable, my dear. I have every confidence in you. Now, let us make the necessary arrangements to keep Lucian hidden and cared for."

As the evening wore on, the Barclay family began to put their plans into motion. The hired physician was brought in under strict confidentiality, and with Edith's watchful eyes and Elaine's careful coordination, they ensured that Lucian's treatment remained a secret.

In the days that followed, the estate bustled with preparations for the refugee camp's relocation to the Barclay farmlands. Edith remained at Elaine's side whenever she returned to the estate, staying true to her promise to assist without causing trouble. As the young girl continued to heal from the trauma she had endured, she found solace and purpose in supporting Elaine and helping care for Lucian.

One cold morning, Duchess Caroline Barclay stood on the terrace of the estate – her eyes fixed on the scene unfolding below. The Liliosan refugees were bustling with activity as they prepared to embark on their journey to the farmlands. It had been a few days since the refugees arrived at Caernarfon, and the estate was now filled with a sense of purpose and determination.

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