Into The Depths, We Crawl

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In the heart of the City of Verdania, within the venerable walls of the Civic Athenaeum, Lucian's restless sleep was broken by the cold fingers of the morning. His body protested as he shifted on the hard cot nestled within the small alcove. Aching muscles and sore joints were the unwelcome aftermath of days spent on horseback, racing across unforgiving terrain.

As he slowly rose from the cot, Lucian's gaze fell upon the ancient stone walls of the Civic Athenaeum, its vast library and towering spires serving as a testament to the knowledge and wisdom it held. Despite his discomfort, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe in the presence of such a place.

Descending the stairway with a determined stride, Lucian was greeted by the figure of Erasmus. The old wizard's eyes held a weariness that mirrored Lucian's own, and yet there was an underlying strength that shone through. Erasmus offered a rueful smile as he approached, his voice carrying a tinge of apology.

"I'm afraid our accommodations are far from luxurious, my dear Lucian," he said, his voice a mix of apology and understanding. "The city is stretched thin as it is, and I fear this is the best we can offer."

"No need for apologies, Erasmus." Lucian quickly shook his head, a grateful smile crossing his lips. "I am more than grateful for a roof over my head. I only wish I could do more, had I not exhausted myself and pushed myself away from the verge of death, then perhaps I could use my abilities to raise another undead army."

"That will not be necessary, my friend" Erasmus gave Lucian a weary smile. "I have already set in motion our means of survival. Please, find a meal for yourself as I must tend to other matters. You look as if you need a good meal and some rest."

Lucian nodded in agreement as the night had been tumultuous, explosions and tremors shaking the very foundation of the city. The Laresian siege was unrelenting, a storm of chaos and destruction that threatened to consume them all. Yet, even as the city quaked and the air was filled with the sounds of war, the walls of the Civic Athenaeum stood steadfast. The magic that had been woven into every brick, every stone, repelled the onslaught of cannon and trebuchet fire.

Lucian's steps led him to the commissary, where he grabbed a small loaf of bread to quell the gnawing hunger in his stomach. The atmosphere within the Civic Athenaeum was one of urgency and determination. Wizards and scholars huddled together in the war room, maps and scrolls spread out before them.

As Lucian entered the war room, he was met with a cacophony of voices, each one offering strategies and suggestions for the defense of the city. Tensions ran high as debates erupted, some arguing for the abandonment of Verdania, while others fervently believed in standing their ground and fighting.

Erasmus's commanding presence silenced the room, his voice carrying a weight that demanded attention. "Enough," he said, his tone firm but not unkind. "We are at a crossroads, my friends. We must decide the fate of this city and the lives of its citizens."

All eyes turned to the old wizard, and Lucian felt a surge of respect for the man who had guided them thus far. Erasmus's gaze swept across the room – his voice unwavering as he outlined his plan.

"We will hold this city for another week," Erasmus declared, his words resonating with a sense of determination that stirred the hearts of those present. "We will wait for reinforcements from Serendell and Carmarthen. If they arrive, we stand a chance. If not..." His voice trailed off, the unspoken implications hanging heavily in the air. Lucian's fingers tightened around the bread in his hand. The weight of the decision ahead was palpable, the uncertainty of their future a heavy burden to bear.

"Come," Erasmus said to the council, "I must show you something of great importance."

Lucian followed Erasmus and the council of wizards to the concave-shaped roof of the Civic Athenaeum. As they ascended the winding staircase, anticipation fluttered within Lucian's chest. He had heard whispers of the grand plan that Erasmus had in mind, but nothing could have prepared him for the sight that awaited atop the storied institution.

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