Requiem of a Guide

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Ryker's morning routine was a simple affair.

He enjoyed the tranquility of his chambers in the Civic Athenaeum, away from the bustling crowds of scholars and magicians. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as he skillfully fried an egg with sausage and beans on his small stove. It was a routine he cherished, a moment of solace before the day's work began.

Plate and mug in hand, Ryker descended the stone stairwell that connected his chambers to the main building of the Civic Athenaeum. As he approached the lower floor, his ears caught the faint sound of commotion - hushed whispers, alarmed voices, and the echoing of rushed footsteps.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Ryker quickened his pace, the plate and mug forgotten as he peered between the onlookers, trying to catch a glimpse of what was happening. His heart skipped a beat as he saw the lifeless body of one of the Civic Athenaeum magicians lying on the floor, surrounded by a small crowd of concerned colleagues.

His mind raced with questions and a sense of urgency. What had happened here? Was it an accident, or something more sinister?

Pushing through the crowd, Ryker approached the scene, his keen eyes scanning the surroundings for any clues. The blood pooled around the magician's body was a stark reminder of the seriousness of the situation.

"What happened?" Ryker asked, his voice tinged with concern.

One of the senior magicians, Professor Aldridge, turned to face him, his expression grim. "It's a tragedy, Ryker. We found him like this, bleeding and unconscious."

The young artificer's mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation. Accidents were rare in the Civic Athenaeum, and something told him that this was more than just a simple mishap.

"Have you called for a healer?" Ryker asked, his instincts kicking in.

"Yes, yes, they are on their way," Professor Aldridge replied, his eyes fixed on the injured magician.

As the crowd of onlookers parted to make way for the approaching healers, Ryker's attention was drawn to the surroundings. He noticed a trail of blood leading away from the scene, indicating that the magician had been dragged here after the incident.

His heart pounded in his chest as he followed the trail, a sense of foreboding washing over him. What could have led to this tragedy? Was there someone behind this, someone with ill intentions?

Ryker's mind was abuzz with questions, but he knew he had to stay focused. He needed to find answers and unravel the mystery surrounding the incident.

As he continued to follow the trail of blood, he noticed a faint glimmer of something metallic on the ground. Bending down, he picked up a small, twisted piece of metal, recognizing it as part of an intricate lock mechanism used to secure some of the Civic Athenaeum's prized artifacts.

His heart sank as realization hit him. This was no accident; it was an act of sabotage.

His mind raced with possibilities, and he knew he had to inform Erasmus Kaledin about what he had discovered. The safety of the Civic Athenaeum and its magicians was at stake, and Ryker was determined to get to the bottom of this mystery.

With a sense of purpose, he hurried back to his chambers, leaving the crowd and the injured magician behind. He knew that the chaos had only just begun, and it was up to him and his allies to unravel the shadows that threatened to consume the Civic Athenaeum and plunge them all into darkness.

Meanwhile, Caerus and Caspian walked toward the grand entrance of the Civic Athenaeum, their anticipation building as they neared the heart of knowledge and magic in Verdania. The magnificent building rose before them, its ivory walls and green roofs gleaming in the sunlight. But as they approached, their excitement turned to bewilderment as they saw guards, scholars, and magicians swarming the ornate entryway.

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