Echoes of Innocence

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Maniacal laughter. Reverberating more than the sound of a gunshot.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Caerus's ears rang from the deafening gunshot that echoed in Erasmus's chambers. Everything around him blurred into a chaotic frenzy, but his eyes remained fixed on Ryker's face. Shock and desperation were etched on his friend's features as he witnessed the tragedy unfold.

Caspian, the fierce and loyal friend who had stood by Caerus's side through countless trials, fell to the floor with a gasp of pain. His hand clutched at his chest, where a dark stain began to spread across his clothing. Wisps of smoke escaped from the barrel of the assailant's gun, lingering in the air like a ghostly specter.

"No!" Caerus shouted, his voice a raw mixture of disbelief and anguish. He tried to move, to rush to Caspian's side, but his body felt heavy and sluggish amidst the turmoil in the room. It was as if time itself conspired against him, dragging him down in this moment of crisis.

The billhook clattered to the floor – its significance was forgotten in the face of the immediate danger. Erasmus, despite his age, rushed forward, weaving intricate spellwork in a desperate attempt to heal Caspian's wound. The scent of burning flesh, was all that Caerus could smell as Erasmus tried frantically to stop the bleeding, cauterizing the wound with the intensity of a small ball of light. Caerus could only watch helplessly as the old wizard's magic swirled around them, a cloud of golden sparks dissipating into the air.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion. Caerus's heart pounded in his chest, each beat echoing like a distant drum. He felt a surge of rage and despair, a fierce need to protect his friend and make the assailant pay for the pain they had inflicted.

The male Laresian that had previously laid on the floor now stood, taking advantage of the growing chaos, he ran to Erasmus's desk, grabbed the crimson book, and using his Laresian ability, slammed himself against the stained glass window of Marseille's chambers. The Laresian plummeted down the side of the tower but somehow managed to dig his nails into the stone brick and disappear as he reached the cobblestone streets below.

Ryker's face contorted with fury – his jaw set in determination. Despite the chaos, he refused to stand idle. In one swift motion, he lunged forward, closing the distance between himself and the assailant. He pulled the woman up by her neck pinning her against the wall, still laughing maniacally.

The room seemed to narrow into a tunnel of hazy shadows, the sounds around Caerus fading into a distant hum. His focus was solely on Caspian, on his friend's pain, and the life hanging precariously in the balance.

Erasmus's spell work intensified, casting a warm glow around Caspian's prone form. The old wizard's hands trembled, but he fought with every ounce of strength he had left to save Caspian's life.

Caerus finally managed to move, breaking free from the invisible bonds that held him back. He fell to his knees beside Caspian, his hands trembling as he gently cradled his friend's head.

"Caspian, hang on," Caerus whispered urgently, his voice barely above a breath. "You're going to be okay."

But even as he spoke the words, doubt crept into his heart. The wound was grave, and time was of the essence. Caerus could feel the precious seconds slipping through his fingers like grains of sand.

When the woman's laughter subsided, she quickly realized that she was at the mercy of Ryker who held her against the wall. Ryker grappled with the assailant, determined to be set free from the artificer's grasp. The woman fought tooth and nail, kicking, and screaming, eyes a glow with crimson fury, her veins bulging beneath her skin. Caerus knew that Ryker was not one to be underestimated, but the assailant was formidable, and the struggle seemed never-ending.

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