The Burning Sea

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Ryker nearly squealed with joy as the town of Lyndhythe came into view.

The train's metallic screeching filled the air as it came to a halt, billowing clouds of steam enveloping the bustling station of Lyndhythe. Caerus and Ryker had endured the journey, feeling the rhythmic vibrations of the train beneath them and the intermittent swaying that had caused Ryker a fair share of motion sickness.

As the doors creaked open, Ryker practically bounded off the train, his expression a mix of relief and triumph. "Thank the stars above, I never want to ride a contraption like that again!" he exclaimed, his voice a mixture of enthusiasm and exasperation.

Caerus chuckled, stepping onto the platform with a more measured pace. He glanced back at the train conductor, who was rolling his eyes at Ryker's dramatic display. "You know, Ryker, I think you might be the first person to ever declare victory over a train."

Ryker shot him an amused look, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "Oh, come on, Caerus. You have to admit, it's not the most comfortable ride, especially for those of us who prefer solid ground beneath our feet."

Caerus nodded in agreement, a small grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "Fair point. But I have to say, you're a walking contradiction, an artificer who hates riding on trains, who knew?" Ryker glared at Caerus a bit, then smiled. "Still, this motion-sick artificer is looking forward to a change of scenery. Lyndhythe seems like a quaint little port town."

Caerus stretched his arms above his head. Their journey on the train had come to an end, and now it was time to retrieve their faithful motorcycles from one of the train carriages.

Ryker's brow furrowed as he eyed the motorcycle, his expression a mix of determination and uncertainty. "I forgot how heavy these things can be," he muttered, his grip on the handlebars tightening.

Caerus gave him an understanding nod, his own hands wrapped around the handlebars of his motorcycle. The weight was certainly considerable, and with some luck and Laresian strength, Caerus effortlessly pushed the motorcycle down the ramp. However, he kept his focus on the ground doing his best to not draw unnecessary attention.

Together, they maneuvered the motorcycles off the train carriage, the metallic clatter of wheels against steel echoing in the air. Ryker grunted with effort, struggling slightly to keep his motorcycle steady as they descended the platform's ramp. Caerus ran back up the train carriage placing his hands on the back of the motorcycle helping Ryker push.

Caerus felt the weight of the motorcycle in his hands, but he didn't let on that he was slowly pumping lifeblood through his veins. He knew that Ryker was proud, and he didn't want to diminish his friend's efforts by revealing his trickery. As they reached the ground, Ryker let out a sigh of relief, wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead.

"Phew, thanks for the help," Ryker said, shooting Caerus a grateful smile.

Caerus just nodded, offering a small smile in return. "No problem, Ryker. Teamwork, right?"

Ryker's smile faded slightly as he glanced at Caerus. "Yeah, but I have to admit, you're pretty lucky with that Laresian strength of yours. Must be nice to have such an advantage."

"I didn't think you'd notice." Caerus's expression shifted, his brows knitting together. He understood that Ryker's comment wasn't meant to be malicious, but it still stung a bit. "Well, it's not like I asked to be a Laresian," he replied, his tone slightly defensive.

Ryker's eyes widened in realization, and he let out a nervous chuckle. "Hey, I didn't mean it like that, Caerus. I'm sorry if I came across the wrong way."

Caerus sighed, his frustration dissipating as he saw Ryker's genuine remorse. "It's fine, Ryker. I know you didn't mean anything by it. Let's just focus on getting these bikes ready and continuing our journey."

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