Crimson and Emerald

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The city of Liliosa had stood strong for centuries, its towering walls and formidable defenses keeping invaders at bay. But now, as the enemy forces encircled the city, the people knew that they were facing their greatest challenge yet - a siege unlike any they had ever experienced. The ominous presence of the undead loomed large, their cadaverous silhouettes dark and terrifying in the midday sun as they prepared for the final assault.

Inside the city walls, the atmosphere was tense. The streets were bustling with activity as citizens hurriedly reinforced carts, stockpiled supplies, and gathered the remaining children. The undead manned the walls. The sound of hammers echoed through the city as blacksmiths worked tirelessly to forge new weapons and repair damaged armor. The air was thick with the smell of sweat and determination, as the people of Liliosa prepared to flee their home.

At the heart of the city, Caerus, Lucian, Marseille, Elaine, and some elders gathered in the ruins of the cathedral. Maps were spread across a table with a missing leg, displaying the positions of both the undead defenders and the enemy forces. General Roderick, a seasoned warrior and friend of Marseille stood at the head of the table. He was the only general who refused to run with the rest of the affluent families. His grizzled beard and battle scars are a testament to his might. He addressed the council.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are facing an enemy unlike any we have seen before," he began, his voice carrying a sense of urgency. "Their numbers are vast, and their determination is unwavering. But we have something they don't – our indomitable spirit and determination to survive. We will not let them take our lives!"

The council members nodded solemnly, their eyes filled with determination and resolve. They knew the odds were stacked against them, but they were ready to fight until their last breath. Each member had a role to play, overseeing a specific area of escape, coordinating supplies, or leading squads of militia.

As the council adjourned, messengers were dispatched throughout the city, relaying the escape plans, and rallying the citizens. The great bells of Liliosa tolled, their deep resonance filling the air, a call to arms that echoed through every street and alleyway. The people responded swiftly, gathering at designated rally points, armed with whatever they could find—a mix of swords, bows, and even farming tools.

Outside the city walls, the enemy army had begun its assault. Siege towers and battering rams charged toward the gates, while archers fired volley after volley of arrows toward the defenders. A few of the undead stood with arrows piercing their bodies while knocking back arrows and releasing a cloud of steel-tipped projectiles. The arrows they've rained down upon the enemy forces, thinning their ranks. Meanwhile, the defenders without bows poured boiling oil and flaming hay bales from the battlements, creating a deadly rain of fire upon the attackers who had reached the walls. Caleb and Lyla managed to infiltrate the enemy ranks, cutting down their commanders and causing confusion and disarray. The defenders, inspired by their bravery, fought even harder, pushing the enemy back with renewed vigor.

To their dismay, however, Caleb and Lyla met their end as one soldier was clever enough to throw tar at the two fighters and light them ablaze. Lucian stood aghast at the battlements, shouting orders, and trying to raise morale while General Roderick stood by the gates, his remaining soldiers ready for battle beside him. General Roderick had ordered them to flee with the refugees, but they honored the grizzled general by sacrificing their lives to spare vital time for the citizens to escape.

Each passing hour was filled with bloodshed and sacrifice. The undead fought valiantly, their hearts filled with unwavering loyalty to their families. The walls were breached in some places, and fierce battles ensued in the streets. Houses were turned into makeshift fortresses, and the narrow alleyways became death traps for the enemy. Some defenders chose to hide within the sewers, waiting for the enemy to approach only to pounce and decimate their ranks.

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