The Day They Died

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News at noon Seattle has lost a reputable attorney and his wife in a bombing of their car. It killed two others who were next to the car when it exploded. Relatives are being told and we will get back with the names of all four bombing victims.

We have learned that Carrick and Grace Grey were killed by a bomb that was detonated as they started their car in an isolated parking lot. Another couple whose car was close by were also killed in the explosion. Raymond Steele and Carla Steele were both killed. Both couples had a child.

I have went to pick up Christian and he is resistant at first. We never liked each other at all. I presented myself to Carrick and Graces attorney and told him that I would take care of Christian. Grace thought I was the best choice to take care of him if anything happened to them so she talked Carrick into it as well. I am now guardian over Christian and I have to hire his nanny as well. His parents home is in trust and so is everything his parents left him in their wills. Both practices are lucrative and they can be sold for a decent sum. I am given a certain amount to assure Christian doesn't do without the things boys are normally able to do. Like sports and things he is slated to start private schools and they are being paid out of the ester directly. I tried my best to get the money but the estate is setup so the school gets paid directly and I have to show any and all expenses for Christian's needs and expenses. I have kept my dungeon off limits to anyone. It is locked and I only allow my boy toys down there.

I stay away from Elena because she scares me. I stay with the nanny because she can be trusted. I have been noticing boys coming and going at odd times and days. They seem hurt when they leave the basement. Richard is rarely home and I don't blame him, she yells all the time. I definitely want out of this situation.

I have been trying to duck the bullies again today. Sadly I can't find a way to get away from their fists. I am of course tiny and they find it amusing to put me in places I can't climb out of. I decide to learn how to defend myself. Luckily there is a gym close by that has some boxing classes. I decide to check it out after I got two black eyes. They took one look at me after I asked to be shown how to defend myself and knew I needed to. After a week of going there after school I have some skills and have learned various evasion tactics. Next I learn how to hit them in the solar plexus and then the head. I now hit a bag and the punching balls if that is what they call them. I keep working out and I am stranger, quicker and can take care of myself after three months. That's when they decide to move me to another foster care unit. It all starts over again the bullying is worse this time. I am now ten and have been targeted as the troublemaker and I will be going to a group facility. I was defending myself but all they see is me hitting the person who is a foot taller than me. They ignored the fact that this Jack guy has been hitting everyone in the family including their own children. I don't like being in the group facility and I found out about emancipating myself. I recently found out that my parents left me everything they owned and an attorney was looking for me. Because of how inadequate the files are kept in the foster care system they couldn't locate me. Yeah right. It was fortunate that they found me at 16 years of age and I could get my emancipation. I have my high school diploma and had started college courses to keep away from Jack in particular. He was placed in the same facility but in the males side. He should be getting out soon. He is going to be 18 soon. I discovered that when I looked his birth certificate up on line. Jack Hyde has parents who can't stop drinking long enough to get him back for good. He takes his anger out on everyone. Lately he has been bothering all of girls and went so far that he raped one of the new girls during an outing. It was her word against his. He tried with me but found his privates were in need of medical treatment. He did tell them how he got hurt, because they would know he was trying to rape me. The guards figured it out and they have started watching the boys like hawks. No more male female outings. Because Jack can't stay off us girls.

James Bellamy attorney
I am looking at a carbon copy of Carla Steele. She just turned 16 and wants to become emancipated and she wants her estate. I am her parents attorney and we finally found her. I don't know how she ended up in foster care, but here she is. We go through all the legal processes to get her estate and then start the emancipation and the reasons for it. A month later she has all her parents estate and keys to everything they own including a beautiful home. I had to explain to the renters that the owners child was found and she wants her home back. The cars were stored there and I started them every week. The girl has a hundred million plus in one bank account. Life insurance policies for over three hundred million each. A lock box with money, bonds and jewelry from her parents safe. We got her, her drivers license and she past the test in her father pick up truck. She gave me a bonus and a retainer fee to be her attorney if she ever needed one. I took her money and we signed an agreement. I hand her my card with all my numbers on it. The renters finally agreed to move out of her home, the one where she lived with her parents. They moved to the apartment and were happier there. Anastasia paid for the move. Soon she had her home back and her parents cars and trucks. She forgot her dad had motorcycles though. She wants to be taught how to ride them. She bought furniture and updated her security system completely. She hired bodyguards to protect and train her. I explained that her parents companies were being ran by CEOs that were hired by me to assure the companies were not closed up. Audits are done every six months. I just wanted to assure that Anastasia had her parents companies to run once she was of age. The first thing we did was introduce Anastasia to her CEO's. She decided to leave things status quo since the companies were making huge profits.

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