Shootout At Mia's

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Seattle News
We are shocked by the events today. The owner of Mia's Restaurant and catering service is unavailable for comment on the shootings at her restaurant tonight. The police were called when an armed man approached the host and insisted on seeing Esteban Mareno current sous chef and co chef of the restaurant. The host was forced to take the man back to the kitchen. Where he found mr Moreno and shot him point blank and killed him instantly. He grabbed a young female hostage and dragged her out the door. The police arrived before the man could leave with his hostage. We still don't know the numbers but we know two were killed.

I can't open my restaurant because it is a crime scene. Daniel Davis was the shooter and he definitely shot up the place. I am served with divorce papers and I am questioned by the police about Esteban and I have to tell them to let me have an attorney present. Plus I need to deal with getting my employees back to work. I also have to find out my liability on the injured and dead employees. My attorney has given me names and numbers of other attorneys to help me navigate through all this mess. Mom and dad are mad at me and concerned at the same time. They really liked Barney and feel like I betrayed them and him as well. They know about my affair. I was not the only one he was trying to get cash from. The guy who shot him was another husband who was betrayed, but he lost his money to him. His wife gave the money to Esteban and they realized he was just taking the money and running. They found him at my restaurant because of a review of his work. I can't even imagine what kind of problems we are going to have after this. Barney made sure that I wasn't one of the victims, he contacted my security guards. I get that he is done with me, but I would have hoped he would talk to me directly. His attorney has been in touch with me and told me to have my attorney set up a meeting to go over the details of our divorce. She also recommended that I get an attorney regarding the injuries and deaths. I didn't want to get into things with this woman because I am already angry that Barney took Tia and left me no questions or communications at all as to why. I sit at my desk and there's a box with a note on it. It was addressed to Barney, the note is to me from him saying this is why we are getting a divorce. I open it up and see videotapes with my name and dates on them. Then photos of Esteban and I in compromised positions and it is very obvious what we were doing and where we were doing it.

Mia is safe and sound and we finally see her in person. Elliott and I are pretty worried about her, but she seems depressed and she tells us that Barney filed for divorce and custody of Tia. Elliott demands to know what she did to bring this on. I look at her and she looks guilty of something. We listen and we are very disappointed in her poor behavior. We knew they married because she was pregnant, but Barney was the best husband and father and she just destroyed everything. Her and Esteban were both selfish people. It killed him and could have easily killed her, she had to take care of a business issue and left moments before the attack.

The business meeting didn't take place because they failed to show up. The police demanded to know who I was meeting with and why. I had to give the man's name up. A private investigator I hired to look into Esteban and he called me away from the restaurant and failed to show up at at small cafe. He apparently had discovered something and was too late to stop the shooting. He got me away from my restaurant to keep me safe. I left five minutes prior to the shooting. Thomas Sawyer had found out a lot about Esteban and I gave the police his number and he hand3d the reports over to the police with my permission. I was not Esteban's first victim, just his youngest one.

I go with her and her attorney to the police station and I listen to her tell them about the private investigator. Thomas Sawyer was called and he verified everything she told us and the police. He told them he didn't make it in time to stop what happened. He didn't know the guy had a gun on him. He called 911 as soon as he saw the gun.

Thomas Sawyer
I can't believe the situations that I come across being a private investigator. I am glad I wore my bulletproof vest at that point. Something told me this Esteban had a target on his back by more than one wealthy husband. The videos and photos were entered into evidence. There wasn't anything I could do in regards to that. Mrs Miller will have to handle that with her husband and an attorney. I am merely here to question me about calling 911 and getting her away from the restaurant to assure she was safe. I had no idea that no one else was safe until I realized the husband of a jealous  ex lover of Esteban's was in possession of a gun. It was then I decided to call 911 and send them to Mia. It was too late to save the others.

I just walked away and hoped that everyone was going to be okay. There wasn't much more I could do because they were finished shooting. I should have done something different and lives would have been saved.

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