An Awakened Coma Victim

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Dr Charles Laughton
I treat the comatose victims and we have recently moved patients around and started doing treatments on long term comatose victims. One in particular has been in a coma since he was 5 years old. He is 27 years old. We don't know who he is. He was discovered close to the explosion that killed people including a mother and child. A disgruntled employee of Kavanagh Media blew himself up along with mrs Kavanagh and a boy they thought was her son at the time. They never found the parents of the coma boy. He was found inside a car that was nearly crushed by the debris. What we didn't know who was who in the explosion, well they didn't have the resources to figure things out DNA wise. Now that we have it, we can't waste resources on who is who.

Unknown Coma Man
I am awake but the light is painful to my eyes. I hear things and something regarding experimental treatments and going over progresses of patient number and that's what I don't understand. My last memory was waiting for my mom in my car seat. I knew something was wrong because the man was upsetting my mommy. He had what looked like a gun with him and pointing it at her. He dragged her into a building. I saw people running and heard the screams and saw people running and screaming there's a bomb. Not long after that I heard then saw the blast and soon felt it and the car being tosses up in the air. I don't know how long ago that was.

My face has changed since then and my name is something that I am trying to recall anything. I feel heavy and movement of my body is odd. Suddenly I feel hands moving my body. Someone is talking to me, but I can't seem to answer. I am not sure if I can answer or not and I start realizing something is preventing me from talking. I start choking and then I hear someone telling me to cough and I do as I feel something pulled from my throat. I have a sore throat now but I can say a word. Where am I? They give me sips of water as I try to adjust to the lighting.

A week later they have me walking around and going to therapy both physical and mental. They have no idea who I am and all I recall is being called Ethan and in a loud angry voice. I think it was my father.

Dr Laughton
We are aware that the John Doe knows his first name and it is Ethan, but we don't know who he is yet. We are hoping he r3calls his last name as well. We need to get him ready to go out into the world. Now my part is done with I turn him over to the doctor in charge of his therapies.

Dr Sharon Reese
I was on his case when he was transferred over from where they were treating him, if you can call it that. Once dr Laughton started his treatments of the John Doe number 456789 we got busy with his physical therapy and now we have a conscious patient who is getting better by the day.

It's been a lot of work but we have been able to break through and John Doe is Ethan and we think he is Ethan Kavanagh and have found his sister Kate Parker who was Kate Kavanagh. We ran the DNA testing and they are siblings. We let her know about him and his needs in the future.

I can't believe my brother is alive and he had been a coma since they found him after that explosion. They just didn't have enough to verify who was who in the blast. I don't know what to do about his care at this point. Plus he has a claim against the Kavanagh estate according to our attorneys. We have enough money to not worry about giving him his share of the Kavanagh fortune. He said he wasn't sure about the Phelps estate, but he believes that Bunny left it to me alone. I have to have someone go through and figure out the Kavanagh estate at the time I inherited it and figure out an adequate number monetary wise and property wise at the point where dad passed away and now. It didn't take long to get a total.

They have found my sister and they made sure we were doing a DNA test to make sure we were related. Of course we are brother and sister. I have to get my education up to speed and find a place to live and work. My physical therapy is being covered by Medicare and charities along with the experimental program. A guardian was handling everything regarding my needs. I met them and an attorney once I became able to understand what I was reading. Apparently my sister Kate was left the Kavanagh estate and everything in our parents accounts. I am able to move into a penthouse apartment that Kate has turned over to me as one of the estate properties. I had to have help so the attorney brought people in to interview them before I left the hospital. I have a driver, a tutor, a physical therapist, bodyguards, security guards, a housekeeper, cook, driver, and a round the clock staff of nurses and attendants. I can't believe everything I am seeing. I have to have people teach me how to do things. I have to catch up on my education and quickly. I need to get a GED and try to get a college education. I am sitting on nearly three hundred million dollars thanks to Kate and her husband's brilliant investments.

Elliott Jr
I hope Ethan gets better and catches up with his education quickly so Kate and I can make sure he has a normal life from this point on.

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