Arrests Made

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I am sitting here thinking of what I should do now. I am waiting on the bus to get out of Seattle. After the articles came out and exposed me, I escaped before the police arrived. I was given a heads up before hand, from an unknown source. So here I am again escaping from everything. I made sure I had cash available for such an escape. I am sitting here waiting and waiting and finally my bus is ready to board. I am about to get on the bus when I am stopped by an elderly man in need of help. He can't lift his bag and asks for my help. I follow him to get the bag and I realize I made a huge mistake. The limo was waiting with the trunk open and he shoves me forward to the trunk. Suddenly I am facing a gun to my chest and he gags me quickly and binds my hands and feet. This was no old man. There is no doubt one of my victims is behind this. I feel a needle and suddenly I can't keep awake. My things are thrown in the trunk with me as well as the bus ticket.

I am finally going to get my revenge on Elena. I am going to cremate her after I am done torturing her. I am going to burn her alive so she can get to the flames of hell faster and know the pain she put all her victims through. I am going through the things she thought was important enough to take with her on her escape from justice. The photos in the news articles were very helpful to finding her, but her address cinched it. She watches me as I go through her things. The cash and jewelry she had was amazing and worth quite a bit of money. It's the bank accounts that we immediately cleared out into an account that was set up temporarily to get all her cash somewhere that can't be traced. I torture her and I decided to have Eamon join in the festivities. After all he was in on all her activities and helped her sell us off to the highest bidder.

I was grabbed outside of Kavanagh Media. I am looking at Elena thinking had she not kept through records of everything in our lives we would not be here now. I am looking in the eyes of one person that I never knew existed. This is my daughter who I sold along with her mother. I never knew who she ended up with and never tried finding out. She is her mother's doppelgänger. I am brought back into this moment by her minions and she is instructing them to assure my body is found so the world will know that I am dead.

Kate will inherit his estate and nothing will go to his women. The women he keeps hidden. It's a good thing I was his last child. I dug deep into his private life and discovered that his activities had caused him to become sterile. One of his women had boasted she was pregnant with his child, but she was busy with other men. He had a paternity test done and pretty much made her and the baby disappear. He was a ruthless man and he barely cried over the loss of his son. He never cried for Enid. Nannies raised Kate thank goodness. I saw the pictures of my people grabbing Eamon, luckily it wasn't clear enough to identify them. Soon I have gotten my fill of these two and have Elena placed in the crematorium and Eamon drained of all his blood. He is then embalmed and taken to his favorite place and left there in his car. I told them to take him inside and strip him bare and tie him to the bed inside the many torture chambers. That's how they found him. It made front page news.

My dad was killed and his body was found in a BDSM club naked tied to a bed. This news was kept from the public. They never found Elena's body anywhere. Her accounts were emptied and no one has seen her since the news broke about her being alive. I have been digging through a few more files and I am shocked dad didn't leave a will. His attorney said he couldn't find the will and he tried to find the courts filing on it and it isn't there either. Elliott and I buried my father and I sold Kavanagh Media and my fathers home. Dad had assets no one knew about until we went through everything. There were a lot of arrests made as more and more evidence was revealed in all the other newspapers. The coroner said that dad was embalmed and that means that he was unable to find out how he died. So I am his only heir. Dad wanted me to follow in his footsteps but I won't be doing that. Elliott told me that I did the right thing selling  Kavanagh Media and my parents home. It would just remind me of what kind of man her father truly was. She never wanted to follow in his footsteps. Ethan apparently as young as he was sensed that our father was a bad person. Lucious and Jasper Barrett had decided to come forward about everything they knew. The arrests began in earnest this time. No one was spared the long arm of the law.

I look at the new photos of Elena surrounding the ashes of her true self. I don't know who is in the other container sadly. I keep them side by side and hope the other person can haunt Elena by being by her ashes. I can only relax when all the others are put behind bars. I have to say the Barrett's have really helped in getting rid of corruption at the highest level in Seattle.

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