Wrong Female

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Looked over the file on miss Phillips and realized that she had to be the child of one of Elena's trainees and was possibly sold to someone. He was told that she won the ashes of Elena Lincoln in an auction that specializes in selling infamous criminals unclaimed bodies and ashes. It was a new dark web site that is very popular. The things people will offer and the people who buy them. I can't think of this anymore. Barney has told me so much about the deep dark web and I decide that I want to not think about it at all. It is his job to understand and know all facets of the internet at all times. He has filters to prevent illegal activity from being added to his spam folders. The kid is brilliant. He alerted me to a hacker and stopped them from getting inside our servers. He was 14 years old and now he is 16 and has his degrees in all kinds of technology. His parents signed a contract for him to work for me at 14 years old. We had to maintain certain criteria for child labor laws.

I looked into miss Phillips and she has some odd purchases on line. Elena Lincoln's ashes were amongst them. I am sure that there is history there. Not all the victims of Elena Lincoln were still alive or found. I am glad she didn't get her claws into me. Mom said she tried but Christian had hired me and put me to work for him and she didn't approach me after that. She thinks I have undercover bodyguards following me. She might be right.

I can't get anything from them. I have no patience with people who don't do what I want them to do. I am thinking of ways I can make them sell me the parts I want. I am at a loss as to how I can do that when I bump into some guy that saw me coming and still bumped into me. He has a lecherous smile on his face and I walk around him, well I try and he grabs my hand and I try to get away from him but he pulls me into a coffee shop and introduces himself and asks me why I was so upset after I walked out of the office building we both walked out of? I told him that is my private business and I try to walk out and he says one thing that catches my attention. Christian Grey turned you down? I look at him and I wonder if he is just saying this to see if he can get more information from me or he actually knows something. I decide it is the first explanation. I turn and leave the coffee shop and head to my car to leave. My driver found me and is waiting with the door open. I get in and we drive away.

Jack Hyde
I saw that little Bitch from foster care with this guy Christian Grey and I followed him from her home. I spotted her at a drugs store and started following her, but very carefully after seeing she has bodyguards. She got me moved several times and nearly made me sterile by kicking me repeatedly in the crotch. Hard to forget that and the fact I ended up in the hospital for injuries to that area. The doctors knew my lies were covering up the truth because they found I had two STDs and reported me to my foster parents and my caseworker. They got me out of the place and brought in the others living there to question and test for the same things. They got answers from the two I had successfully had sex with regularity. Anastasia was the only one who was still a virgin and she told them she defend3d herself against me with all her might. They believed her and could see she wasn't big enough to handle me without her knowing how to. She trained in self defense and no one knew. I found out the hard way. I might not be able to have children because of the injuries and the STDs. I read about Elena being found dead in prison and thought it couldn't happen to a more deserving person. No doubt she ran into victims family members and they got justice for them. My dad fell into that trap and I nearly did as well.

Drake find out who that man was and make sure he is followed from now on. Something is quite strange about him. I don't trust him at all.

I am already on it, Gregg is following him now. He went to a nice hotel and came back out and headed to a mansion that used to belong to mrs Lincoln. He was driving a roll Royce cloud and had the gate codes. He is still in there at this point.

Definitely find out more and look into who she left everything to.

I will definitely find that information out.

I love this car and the mansion as well. I am betting no one realizes that Elena's estate might be frozen and everything but they are keeping an eye on any of it. It wasn't hard to get into the gate and then into the house. Then I found the keys to everything right by the back door. The alarm system was disarmed because of non payment of service fees. I found a stack of bills in the mail box. I have been living here since she was found guilty and put in prison for life. It's close to mr Grey's and Miss Steele's homes. I can see them coming and going. Whoever built this place did that intentionally. There's a way to get onto their grounds by way of the water behind us all. I found it by taking out the rowboat in the boathouse.

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