A Baby In The Oven

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My OB/GYN has told me my stress levels are causing my blood pressure to rise and she needs to monitor it closely and I need to watch my diet. I am a chef and can't always watch my diet. She gave me a huge list of foods I need to stay away from. I still can't find out the fathers name. A delivery driver forgot to put all the food in the delivery for GEH and I had to use my break time to take the rest of the order to GEH. I get there and park where the delivery people park, but no one was there to meet me. I then had to go to the security at the front door and let them know I have the order but no one was in the usual place to take the food. They escort me to the IT department and someone takes the order and calls whoever was supposed to meet me and let them know that I dropped it off and they can come back and have lunch now. I have them sign for the food and leave the office and go back to where my car is parked. I make it back just in time to cook dinner.

I swear I thought I saw the girl from the conference in the parking garage as I was driving inside it. I might be seeing things. I go over to security and ask them to pull up the security footage from the last hour to see if it is her. I watch it, but cars keep going back and forth so I can't be sure if it is her or not. We need to get these cameras fixed so we can get a better view of who is coming in and out of the parking garage and better views of the actual people and the cars. So I check for upgrades and finally find what we need and put in a purchase order along with a work order and specifications as to where they should be placed.

It took three weeks and the cameras were put in and we could see everyone and their cars coming and going. Meanwhile no one looking like the girl arrived. Mr Grey took me to a local restaurant to have lunch and we are sitting there when I see her walking around telling the staff what to do.  I excuse myself and head to where she is standing and interrupt her conversation with the hostess.

I am in the middle of telling the hostess that it is inappropriate to unbutton her top just to get the attention of Mr Grey. He is after all a married man. Just then we are interrupted by the father of my child. The hostess buttons her top up and goes back to work knowing she will be fir3d if she fails to follow my instructions. I turn around and ask his name and it is Barney Miller, I introduce myself and tell him I have news for him, but I am pretty busy right now. We both ask for the others phone numbers. He goes back to his table which is mr Grey's table.

I am in a great mood finally. Mr Grey wants me to buy and install new servers along with cameras in all the offices and the same ones we put in the parking garages. I thought he was going to yell at me about those. I laugh to myself and see Mia making a dash for what looks like the ladies room. I call her about 7pm and she tells me that she is pregnant and I am the father. I guess her birth control shot failed because of a problem at the manufacturer. She tells me it is up to me if I want to be involved with the baby or not, she's keeping it. I tell her we need to have dinner and discuss this as soon as possible. I of course want to be part of the baby's life and Mia's life as well. She agrees to meet me for dinner midweek.

He didn't say he wanted to be part of the baby's life or not. We are meeting at my restaurant and I reserved a room to have privacy. No one knows that I am pregnant yet. They don't need to know about it. I have hired more staff to start training to help pick up the slack once I can't do my normal schedules.

Finally we are seated in the private room with our meals and we now have privacy. We have a lot to talk about. He works for GEH as the head of IT and I tell him I own Mia's restaurant and catering and branching out to delivery services for special customers, GEH being one of them. We finally start talking about the baby. He wants his name on the birth certificate and would consider marriage if that is what I want. He even has the engagement ring. He has a lot of benefits for his spouse and children. I don't have those benefits yet. I can't afford them and don't have enough employees to get the best deal on them yet. I told him that I think he should see if they would cover my medical expenses for the OB and the baby?

I checked it all out and we have to be married to one another to get it covered by my insurance. We could try it and if it doesn't work out we can just go our separate ways after the baby is born. That way the ob is paid for and the hospital and any other expenses. I make enough to pay all the bills for a normal pregnancy and healthy baby, but things can happen. I show her the engagement ring and wedding bands and she suddenly bolts to the restroom. At first I thought it was because I praised marriage to her. Then I realized she has morning sickness in the evening lol. I help her back to the room and use a napkin in the water to cool her off. She takes the ring and says let's do this at the courthouse.

Three days later her parents and brother meet us at the courthouse to get married. She is going by Parker Miller. I make an appointment for her to sign up for all the benefits and they explain everything she will need and what she gets benefits as my wife. I ask her about her living arrangements and she lives with her parents right now. I offer to let her live with me at my house. I have her follow me to it. I have staff and security working for me thanks to mr Grey.

I accept his offer to move in with him. We are after all married. Movers come to my parents to pack my things up and take them to my new home. Mom hugs me and tells me the door is always open for me. Dad is at work and I should be as well. Barney has came with his security and driver. We are still learning about each other. The attraction is still there and my libido has grown because of the pregnancy. Mom figured out that I was pregnant, but we are keeping that to ourselves for now.

I ask Mia if she wants to sleep in my master bedroom with me or without me? I am hoping she wants us to sleep or something else in my bedroom. She chose to stay in the room together. The movers have everything done in one day. I introduce Mia to most of my staff. Some know about Mia but some don't know about her. A few might give her a hard time. Those are the ones who think they have a shot at marrying me. They have been told they don't have one and now they might lose their jobs if they don't get that they are employees.

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