New Restaurant Name

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We decided to rename Mia's to Ana's because it was easier to stay with a simple name. Anastasia really thinks staying with a simple name. Grey was originally considered but it was too cold and I just thought it was not a name that would bring in customers. Everything took longer than I thought it would and we are finally opening it up under new ownership and management. The menu has changed greatly. Sandra Mendohlson is the manager of Ana's and she hired various chefs with talents in various cooking styles. The menus have a variety and then we have specials. Roz handles Sandra and the restaurant after Sandra pulled a stunt in front of Anastasia. She now reports to Roz for any reason. She won't hit on Roz after Gwen and Anastasia had a chat with her. She knows her place and was nearly fired for her stunt. Their was a report made and she had to sign the HR form and if she has another sexual harassment report her contract is terminated immediately. We set some guidelines after the report was made HR went through legal and setup rules regarding dating coworkers or bosses in the workplace. I don't date because I am very happily married to Anastasia. At thirty we are both looking forward to Teddy and Grace having siblings, but the adopting is going slowly. We finally decided to adopt older children.

The month after we decided to accept older children to adopt, I get a call from our caseworker about a family that had to give up there children because both parents were dying of cancer due to their work environments and they had no family left to care for their families. Christian wasn't happy about the older children and the ages and the fact there are three of them. The latest news is that Esteban's wife showed up to claim his body. Now that she is in town I can only imagine that his victims will be going after the estate he left behind for her and Mia. He had insurance policies for both Mia and Estrella. Trust funds for his five children had been set up as well. Those can't be touched. Mia lost all her friends over all this and her family are still family, but they don't like her poor choices in this matter. Christian and I both keep our distance from her because she used us to lie to Thomas. We found out later that she did it because Thomas trusted her and didn't check with us because of he didn't want to hurt their marriage.

Caseworker Dawn James
I can only do so much for these children, Caleb 15 Andrew 14 and Alice Ford 9 are still living in the family home with their aging grandmother while their parents are in hospice care. It is only a matter of time until they are orphans. I called mrs Grey to see if she and her husband would be willing to adopt them, she had to talk to mr Grey about it first.

Mrs Grey and her husband want to meet the children first and see how it goes. They have two children who are younger than these three. One is a month younger and the other is younger by three years. They met the children and we all discussed the adoption. Soon they agree to adopting the children as long as they agree to it. I had to start the process immediately and the children were finally ready to be adopted after talking to their parents. It was a sad day for them and their parents. The final papers were signed by the parents and their grandmother. We moved the children to the Grey home. Each had their own room and security was very tight. The children will have trust funds from the civil suit against the company was huge. Each trust for the children was in the multimillion dollar each for each parent. All medical bills are being covered. A week later both parents passed away within 24 hours of one another. Then their grandmother passed away after the funerals. We
weren't aware of her heart condition until after her death. The house was sold and she was buried next to her family.

It was hard for Caleb, Andrew and Alice to bury all three family members in a week. They are having a hard time adjusting to living here and changing schools and soon having a new last name. A trust fund for each of them is being transferred to Christian's attorneys care now. He handled the estate and the burials. As soon as the adoption goes through we are setting trust funds up for them like we set them up for Grace and Teddy. Our wills will include them as well. Teddy and Grace are happy to have them as family members and are really happy about having new siblings. They like the fact they aren't a new baby.

The adjustment will take a long time to get through and we are trying to make things work better. We had Kate and Elliott bring their children over. Barney brought Tia over as well. Elliott and his boys played with our children. Tia and Grace really enjoyed playing with Alice. By Christmas everyone was settled in and ready to celebrate Christmas. We found out about a special thing our new children did for Christmas and we integrated it into our Christmas. Anastasia thought it was a very special thing to do and she was right about it.

Sandra Mendohlson
I am here on Christmas Day and all alone, I was hoping to be here with Christian. That was quashed as soon as I hit on him. Roz is who I report to and he named the restaurant after his wife. I have been here since it reopened last year. No one measures up to Christian Grey no matter how much they try. Even Roz has turned me down and told me she could fire me n the spot, but she felt sorry for me and didn't. Christian is never alone with me, he has his bodyguards record everything I need to discuss with him and they keep me from getting close to him. Roz usually calls me if it requires it. Now she has her assistant handle me. She has a wife now. Gwen doesn't like me to be around her wife.

I am being sued by all of Esteban's ex mistresses for the money and the properties he left me. Mia has been sued and she can't be sued for money he took from them. She can't be sued because she was one of his victims. She added her name to the suit against his estate as well. They were able to get the money back from putting a lien against the estate his lady friend left him. They auctioned it off and it brought enough to satisfy everyone who sued against the estate. A billionaire from New York bought the estate in whole. The checks were signed over to settle the suits against the estate. I moved back to Atlanta with the children after that. We had enough to buy a van and move everything to Atlanta. Aubrey Sullivan moved in and kept the staff that were working there and the security. I couldn't afford to keep my security any longer.

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