Surprised By Jack

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I am up for a boat trip to my two favorite people. I finally get the rowboat hidden from sight and walk along the edge and see the entrance and dock to Miss Steele's residence. I am dressed completely in black with night vision glasses on. I head towards the back gate. I hear a click and something against my head and I freeze.

Well we finally caught you didn't we? Ryan cuff this guy and I will call the police on him. Did you really think that after your last visit we wouldn't have a trap ready for you? I check his pockets for any ID and then Ryan has Fred go through the bag he has brought. Rope, duct tape, chloroform, drugs, needles and various other restraining materials. A white sack big enough to cover a persons head. We put everything back and wait for the police to arrest him and do their own search.

We found out that our intruder is Jack Hyde, I press charges immediately and I am very aware that he was coming here to torture me. He had things in his bag and on him he could easily have tortured me for days on end if he got hold of me. He apparently was on Christian's property but got away when the dogs were turned loose. Those dogs are scary if they don't know you. Christian has made sure that they are well cared for and they are safe. I know a silent alarm went off here and at Christian's the same morning. Within an hour of one another. We have videos of a man in all black clothing with something on his face and head. We have shown the police and the alarm company as well.

The cops are at Anastasia's home for a trespasser. It turns out to be someone from her past that she put in the hospital after he tried to rape her. I checked on her and I informed the cops the guy has tried this before and on my place the same night as hers and we have videos of him doing it. We give him a dvd showing we had multiple attempts by the same person. We just took steps to keep ourselves safe. Getting the fences and the dogs and their home was a good idea. We hired a guy to take care of them and train them to scare first and escalate if needed, but no killing holds.

I didn't dare go back on the Grey property now. They have big guard dogs and a huge fence keeping me out. I ran after seeing and hearing the dogs. I decided to come see Anastasia who has no dogs at all. They had a large fence though.I planned on torturing her and leaving. I got caught by her female body guard. They searched my bags and found my tools. They put it back until the cops arrived and turned me over to the cops. She's definitely pressing charges against me and they have video of me on not only her property but Grey's place as well. They found the boat and traced it back to Elena's home. Guess no going back there now. Not sure what time I am facing at this point. I have to get a public defender and hope to get a good one.  I heard my dad is in this prison they are sending me to.

Lewis Hyde
I heard from the grapevine my son is here awaiting his trials. I don't know what he has done yet. I don't even recall what he looks like. I am told he is in cell block A and he won't be getting a lot of time behind bars. I then see him and he is keeping his head down. He definitely knows what he has to do to keep from getting a beating. But in here you never know how, when or what will set anyone off. Just being there is enough for some people to beat the crap out of you. I don't know if I should approach him or not. I have decided to stay away from him.

My testimony was given along with Miss Steele's testimony about Jack Hyde and they brought up the fact he was known to sexually attack his foster siblings. They brought up her putting him in the hospital as well, trying to make it look like she had something against him. They couldn't bring up his juvenile records. He was a very bad boy from what Miss Steele told us and even though his juvenile records couldn't be entered she gave them her version of how she put him in the hospital and why. She then told about his STDs and the fact they had to test every foster child who came in contact with him including her. Of course her being a virgin she didn't have any. He tried to say she gave him the STDs. It was funny how Hyde squirmed when they knew he was caught. They brought up a lot more after that including the fact his father had killed her parents along with mr Grey's parents and they were sure he was going after them to avenge his dad being in prison for life. His thinking is crazy.

We finally get our testimony completed and Hyde is going to serve 5 years for each charge and consecutively. That's 15 years total. That is just the charges we filed against him. They were charging him for other crimes concerning Mrs Lincoln's home and properties. He was using all of them like they were his own. The courts finally ordered her estate to be liquidated to be dispersed to all her victims. He got another ten years for those charges, to be served jointly. He got off easily on that.

I am glad Hyde was finally put behind bars because he shouldn't be amongst normal humans trying to live safely.

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