Can't Hide Money

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I can't believe that they found my hidden accounts and froze them. They left me with very little to raise our five children on. I have been working two jobs to keep a roof over our heads at this point. The house we had was sold and the money was given to the victims yet again. I found a three bedroom house and bought it with the little life insurance I had left. Esteban made a fool out of me and I trusted him far too much. Our children have no father and really they haven't had one. It was like he flew home long enough to get me pregnant. I started working from home after our first was born. He traveled as a chef and worked long hours and went all over the world. When he stayed in Seattle because he thought he would own his own restaurant with the help of mrs Miller. Had I known he planned on staying in Seattle I would have moved there. It was wasted money and time and for what? All for nothing and here I am with five young children and working my butt off yet again. This time without a husband, I filed for his social security benefits only to discover there was no Esteban Moreno with that social security number. I had to file an appeal and found out he used a dead man's social security number. I am trying to get something done about getting the thing cleared up.

I am being worked hard as a junior chef. I am lucky t have a job at all. Kate went to bat for me with Anastasia and Christian and I am working at least. Sandra told me if I had not been having sex with my sous chef I would have not lost everything. I heard that Sandra was hanging by a thread after hitting on Christian and Roz. Wonder what they would think about her forcing one of the wait staff to have sex with her while on the clock. I didn't have long to wait for that answer. His girlfriend was visiting him and discovered them in Sandra's office and recorded everything. She took it to Roz Bailey at GEH. Sandra was fired within an hour of Roz seeing the videos. They brought in her replacement the next day. This person has a no nonsense air about him. Xavier Davis has a reputation of being brutal and he doesn't have favorites and he is unapproachable. Soon everything is running quickly and smoothly. Rotations are equally distributed across the board. If you can't keep up you are gone. He looks for workers who follows every order and gives extraordinary attention to details are rewarded with a bonus. I have to say Davis runs the place far better than I did. Now I know why they brought him in and soon a new Ana's is going up. I was told to keep my eye on the prize and I might move up from junior chef. After my evaluation I was warned that I was not living up to my potential and I needed to change that and given a list of what I need to do to correct my faults.

The Ana's has really turned around and it turns people away daily. Mia is still working there but has been told to get her act together. There has been firings and the manager is facing sexual harassment charges and was fired. Christian had to settle a sexual harassment suit out of court. They had the woman caught on video by the guys girlfriend. I don't see Mia unless we run into each other at her family's house since she's my sister in law. Tia doesn't miss her at all anymore. Barney has been a great father to her. He has been thinking of dating one of the women at the childcare center at GEH. Elliott thinks that they would make a great couple and her daughter is the same age. Caren Smith is her name and she is a mystery to all of us. She keeps to herself and Barney is the only one she has opened up to. Ginny was a baby when she came to Seattle to work for GEH in their childcare facility as a doctor on staff.

Gail has told me to be ready for the teens to want to drive my car. I have a sports car that I got for my birthday. Christian was too generous and I loved it but it is too much. The kids want to drive it as soon as they get their drivers license. Christian and I said a firm no. We have a safe car for them to be taught on along with a trained driver who will teach them how to drive safely and defensively if needed. I don't want to have to drive defensively but I can if needed to. I was glad they fired Sandra finally, but mad because she costs more money than she was worth. She's serving time for sexual harassment and assault. Gail and Jason have cutback their hours and hired assistants to handle everything requiring heavy lifting and the sort. Thomas Sawyer is one of the people taking over for Jason and has been doing a great job. Candace Sawyer has came in as second in charge for Gail. It was a great idea and they already lived on the property. Candace helped interview the new staff to help out in the house.

Elliott Jr
Kate is getting the baby bug again and my parents are thrilled. Me not so much. Ethan and Elliott are happy with the status quo. They suggested we do what Aunt Anastasia and Uncle Christian did and adopt older children. Kate is not sure about it but I remind her how uncomfortable it was to carry Ethan and Elliott the third. So we have decided to adopt an older child or two. Soon we are talking to the same person that helped Anastasia and Christian to adopt.

Caseworker Dawn James
I get a call that couldn't have been better timed. Elliott and Kate Parker are looking to adopt and aren't in the system yet. So I have them come in to sign the documents to get on the list to adopt. They are willing to take older children and possibly like the Grey family did and they were given my number as a contact to call about adopting. This is good since I have twin girls and their brother from a family who gave them up because they were forced to by the courts. Alyssa, Ansley and Abraham are 6 and 8 years old. The girls are six and identical twins and there brother was a twin but he was killed in a freak accident which is why the children were taken from their parents.

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