The Engagement Ring

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I bought Anastasia an engagement ring and our wedding bands. At 21 I have been lucky enough to find the love of my life. We don't have any family members left so the wedding will have friends and close associates attend our wedding, if that. Elliott Jr has gotten rid of the parasite known as Leila Williams. Every time she came with them and I was at the home she would follow me everywhere and I got tired of her nonsense. So I asked Anastasia to go monitor the work in the new place. They got rid of Leila and the horrible furniture and decorations she had brought in and replaced it with things Anastasia and Camille had brought in and placed. All the Parker's did a great job. I found out later that Elliott Jr actually started dating Kate Kavanagh after she quit Kavanagh Media and started working for a publishing company. She brings in new authors and writes as well. Nothing based on real people. He was looking for a way out of the situation and found it.

I was very glad to see Christian and we celebrated his homecoming all alone. He had been busy getting his family home setup for a romantic weekend. Candles, flowers and food of all kinds. When we got there Christian picked me up and carried me to our bedroom and stripped both of us and put us in the giant tub. It was ready and waiting for us. We spent a long time in that tub and luckily it heated up and stayed that way. We definitely made up for lost time. After making love in the tub for over two hour# we finally got our pruny bodies out and dried off. He found an outfit that he dressed me in and then he dressed himself in something very similar to mine. He then got on one knee and asked me to marry him and I said yes. We decided to get married in Las Vegas and had thirty people in attendance. We were married at a friends hotel and it was a quiet and beautiful wedding. We had all the traditional things for our wedding. No one found out we were married until I had to get my drivers license changed and the clerk blurted it out. Christian and I were dressed simply and looked like typical teens in zip up hoodies. We just made it to the waiting cars and our bodyguards were protecting us all the way. We of course still look like teenagers and get carded at any bar we go into. We rarely drink if at all but we have meetings with people who do. We never have any business meetings at our homes or charity events either.

I am thrilled to be a married man and to Anastasia. If I could have talked her into marrying me when we turned 18 I would have married her then. It worked out better this way. Jason and Gail both married at a young age because he went into the military just out of school and wanted her to be his wife. Most of my security are divorced or not looking to get married.

Christian and Anastasia finally tied the knot. It was a beautiful wedding and we were in Vegas for a week. Extra security were hired so Gail and I could be in the wedding. Neither had that many guests attend the wedding. It was a great time for all of us who attended the wedding. The happy couple made sure all of us enjoyed ourselves. Gail was glad it wasn't a summer wedding. Our children enjoyed the trip as well.

We are now one household they live in the Grey family home and they have decided to move staff into the Ex Lincoln home and the Steele family home. They are very close to each other. I am glad that we don't have the guard dogs at the Steele home. Mr Grey decided to give the guard dogs to a friend who will train them to be emotional support dogs. They were gentle to people they knew and soon after they were adopted by their new families they sent photos of each dog with their new families. The dogs woke us up at the smallest noise. Christian had a house built where the dogs were residing and security moved in there, two brought their girlfriends. I would have to remind the girlfriends that they didn't have the run of the main house. One was asked to leave when she tried to trade up to a billionaire. Bye bye Veronica Silvers. I caught her naked in the Grey's bathtub and the sounds coming from in there I can't even describe. I had to sanitize every inch of the tub, room and some of the clothing. Mr Grey told me to throw away the lingerie because he knew Anastasia wouldn't wear it after that skank tried it on. It was ripped anyway. Christian got on line and ordered Anastasia new lingerie to be delivered the next day. Jill Evans the other girlfriend keeps to herself and she asks permission to do anything. She is ex military black ops, but works for another company. Jason says she doesn't talk about the company because she's a UC meaning an under cover. The outfits she goes out in are crazy, but it's part of her job. She says very little about anything. Scott Davies is her soon to be husband. Baxter Leaven was Veronica's boyfriend. He currently has no girlfriend. Mr Grey advised him to choose his next one more carefully. Veronica had made herself at home the moment she arrived with Baxter. As the household manager I told her to go back to her living quarters and stay there. She came in while I was grocery shopping and did all that stuff in the Grey's bedroom and bathroom and to all those clothes of Anastasia. One time she tried to take the engagement ring if Anastasia's finger. She really thought she could get it off her finger. Anastasia made a move and put her in a choke hold. She never tried again. I guess she waited until no one was around to do everything she did in their private areas. If I hadn't been taking supplies to their bedroom and bathroom I wouldn't have caught her.

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