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And just like that, it was time for rehearsal. My team got together and we started practicing. We looked over some parts again but it overall didn't take long for us to feel confident.

We soon went back to the main room where some teams were sitting down already.

I saw 1Million, as they were almost sitting across from us. I watched Redy for some time. I still can't believe she hurt Bada. I felt myself growing irritated by her wannabe-innocent looks but held myself back. I didn't want to start a scene and I certainly didn't want Bada to remember her past too much.

I turned to the left and started talking to Sowoen. She was really nervous. I reassured her and held her hands. She smiled at me cutely.

And then, the first thing I see when I turn back is Redy standing in front of Bada, arms crossed. My brows furrowed and I felt the anger coming back. But, of course I couldn't show it, because the last time we saw each other, we were on good terms.

"Redy. How come you're here?" I asked.

"I noticed you looking at me. I figured it's probably because of the nervousness. Why don't we go on a little walk? We haven't talked in a while and I want to tell you something!" Redy replied.

I looked over at Bada worried and she just nodded and told me to go. It felt a little weird because the request came so out of context. However, I didn't really put my mind to it and just left with her.

She guided me outside, where no one was.

"Y/n. Did Bada say anything about me to you? Because if she did, whatever she probably said is not true. You have to believe me." She crossed her arms and leaned on a wall.

I felt my throat tighten. How can I get out of this situation? I quickly thought of an excuse.

"Huh? Bada? No, I was just looking at you because I didn't reach out to you yet and I felt bad. I tried to find a moment to talk to you but you seemed quite busy.. That's all." I really hoped this was believable.

"But what does Bada have to do with all this? I don't really get it, sorry." I added. I wanted to see what she would make out of this situation.

"Uh you know, since I chose her as a no respect dancer some time ago.." She tried forming a sentence.

I chuckled lightly. "Oh. Well, she didn't say anything to me.."

I was about to go back but she grabbed me by my arm. "If she does, don't believe her. Bada doesn't like me and wants to make me look bad! Just telling you in case.."

I shoved her arm away, hard enough for her to look at me confused.

"If that would be all." I said and left her.

I couldn't believe that I really never noticed her arrogance before.
I walked towards my team and asked Lusher if we could switch seats for a while because I needed to talk to Bada.

She nodded and let me sit. Bada looked at me worried. I told her to come closer and looked around for Redy before whispering what happened in her ear.

Her face dropped and her mouth slightly opened. Bada looked around as well and stood up. She told the members we would get drinks and took my hand before leaving with me.

"What, so you're saying she told you I want to make her look bad? What a liar! I can't believe her." She walked back and forth.

"I'm sorry, I just thought you would want to know. But seriously don't believe her. She's just like a little kid." I rolled my eyes at the last part and wrapped my arms around Bada.

Lovers in Private - Bada LeeWhere stories live. Discover now