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(track: "Knights of the Round Table" by Daniel Pemberton)


"Send everyone home who is not willing to fight with us, shut down the festival, and close off the ports," Stoick said as he walked through the village, commanding orders to Gobber, Bjorn, and Hadvar who followed him. "I don't want anyone allowed on the island and the only ones allowed off will be stealth scouts. Anyone else will be shot down."

"Dad! Wait!" Hiccup was shouting sa he tried to catch up with him.

"Hadvar, I want you to send word to all of our allies and warn them of whomever is committing these murders. They are out for the leaders of the north and thus far no one is safe. Tell them not to drink the wine and not to trust anyone."

"Aye, chief," he agreed and turned to leave at once.

"Dad maybe we should check this out for ourselves? I mean, what if this scout was lying?" Hiccup asked his father when he got his attention.


"You will not leave this island, Hiccup, do you understand me?" he replied as he faced his son, a stern look in his eyes.

"I'm trying to find the best way to protect everyone and figure out the roots of these issues. Maybe an investigation would be our best call—maybe it can prevent needless war if we can isolate whoever is—"

"Hiccup we do not have the time and recourses for you to go running off questing with your friends. Do not stick your nose into trouble where we will have to rescue it. I have enough to worry about without having to wonder if my son is out there dead. And if you respect me as chief you will obey my command."

He didn't reply for a moment, Astrid at his side as she thought but didn't say anything.

Stoick looked at his friend. "Gobber, I want you to begin training with any and every dragon we have and get the riders prepared for combat. Bjorn go with him and help train our warriors. I want everyone who is able to hold an axe to be practicing with it. Understand?"

"Yes, Stoick," Bjorn said with a nod of compliance before turning to leave as well with Gobber.


"Dad, that can be as young as seven—women too? On untrained dragons? We're not prepared for this—they're going to get hurt," Hiccup tried to tell him, worried about the Berkian youths.

"Death does not have mercy on those who are ill prepared, Hiccup. We must all be ready for what's ahead." He looked at his son before putting a hand on the lad's shoulder. "I've taught you how to be a chief in times of peace. Now I will teach you how to be a chief in times of war," he said before letting him go, leaving Hiccup there to think about his words as he turned to disappear in the busy crowds.

"Do you see them?" Gregor asked Faeland as they walked around the cliffside of Berk near the village, the storm getting nearer as the sky began to mask with a thing layer of clouds.


"They're on the beach," Arne told them as he came around the corner from the evergreens. "They're alright. I think she took the news rather hard, though."

"Was one of those families that was killed hers, then?" Gregor asked.

"Of course it was you daft beggar. Weren't you listening?"

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