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Traveling south for an hour they began to see familiar landmarks in the ocean. Astrid decided to steer them towards an island she knew not far from here where they had volcanic hot springs and trees available for making fires; An ideal spot to stop and camp, even if it was still only the afternoon.


As they were flying towards the island Kahu started to feel more and more drowsy and pained. It was taking a toll on him as he was trying to hold on but eventually the weakness was overwhelming. "G-..Guys..!I-..I..can't..ho-.." he said out of breath as he tried to catch the attention of the others that's when it went black before his eyes and the last energy he held onto left his body as it went limp. His hands slipped from where he was holding onto the dragon his body leaning to the right as he suddenly fell off.


Tuffnut looked at the man when he seemed like he wanted to say something and widened his eyes when he fell. "Shite!"

The others heard the splash and the dragons halted when Uriah shouted, "Ika!" and his dragon turned and dove towards the sea after him,

Toothless acted before Hiccup even knew what was happening as the Night Fury shot after Ika and yanked Uriah off his back just before the young dragon disappeared head first into the black icy water after their fallen party member.


Since he was a natural swimmer, Ikatere swam quickly with speed as he reached Kahu. He put his paws around him as he swam up again. As soon as he got above the surface again he spread his wings pulling the now half dead guy out of the water.


"Oh thank the gods. That would have been a pathetic way to die," Yrsa commented.

"True," Tuffnut added.

"Guys we need to get to land now!" Astrid cut them off. "Ika head for the island on the horizon!"


Ikatere was looking down at Kahu whimpering slightly but his head shot up when he heard Astrid tilting his head slightly before looking in the direction of the island. He quickly secured the man in his embrace more secure as he made his way to the island with speed.


The others followed quickly, Toothless holding Uriah closer to his body and more securely to not rip his arms from their sockets.

When they got to the cliffside they all landed around Ikatere and Kahu.

Uriah was the first to rush over and check on him, analyzing his situation. The man's lips were now purple and his dark skin was pale and lacking color, his soaking wet clothes stained nearly black with his blood as the gash on his side had drained nearly every drop in his body that was now ice cold. Uriah checked his pulse and it was incredibly slow, fear taking him.


The young dragon had put him down carefully as he sniffed the man's face and gently nudging him before looking up at his rider as he knew it wasn't good but had no idea how to fix it.


"I need all of the blankets or a dry fabric we have! And someone make a fire quick!" Uriah called out as he tilted Kahu's head back and began pressing down on his chest in a rhythmic pattern.

They scrambled to do as he asked, Ruffnut and Astrid running to the trees nearby to grab firewood. "Toothless, help them!" Hiccup said as people began searching in their saddle bags for their supplies.

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