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The rumble of the dragon breaking the base was enough to make the men holding Moira nearly stumble and they looked at one another in sudden alarm. But during this hesitation, the darker haired bandit looked behind his friend and when the other followed his gaze he saw the door of the right cage opened. He didn't even have time to wonder before Uriah's hand grasped where his hair met his neck and slammed his face down on the wooden table, getting immediately dizzy from the blow and letting go of Moira in response.

Uriah ducked from the other one throwing a punch and he did a nasty uppercut to his chin, his adrenaline pumping as he turned to face the first man again when the other fell to the floor. He ducked from the swing of his axe and grabbed the handle and kicking him hard in the shin, grabbing a meat-hook off the table when the man hesitated and he jammed it into his skull over and over with vicious anger, the body of the thug falling to his back as Uriah pinned him down and stabbed him repeatedly until he stopped moving, his blood slung everywhere and even on Uriah's face. He got up when the other man had run back over to kill him with his sword. But Uriah dodged the swing and grabbed his body, throwing it behind him and breaking the man's neck on the floor as his head broke open on the stone, dying in one swift move.

Uriah stood there as he caught his breath, a stone cold look in his eyes.


Moira had shut her eyes tightly when they had started to take her gear off going for her clothes underneath as she was trembling in shock from those memories overwhelming her. But when she heard them fight she carefully opened her eyes as they widened when she saw Uriah standing there by the now corpses of the men.


He couldn't seem to break from the state he was just in, not moving or saying anything as he looked down at his hands that were covered in blood.

"Well... remind me never to get on your bad side," Yrsa said as the others were hesitant as well. Faelan had just let everyone out and removed their bindings before running over to Moira to unlock hers as well.


Moira flinched slightly when she felt Faelan's finger tips against her skin as he got her shackles off. She couldn't get her gaze off Uriah shocked by what she saw and still in the traumatized state she was in but she had to get to him. She carefully sat up when she was free from her bindings looking like a total mess. She got off the table then as she fell through her knees barely able to stay on her feet as she held onto the table.


Uriah realized his hands were still trembling and he shut his eyes before running over to embrace Moira with desperation, his eyes burning with emotional tears as the rush slowly left his body.


The first thing Moira's body did as a reaction was flinch again as she completly froze. But she reminded herself that it was him..he would never hurt her like that. Slowly she broke down putting her arms around him tightly as she started crying.


Uriah clutched her as tightly as he could, as if trying to cradle the trauma out of her with what almost just happened.

"I know where they take prisoners' things! Let's go! Before his friends see this," Yrsa said to them as she stole one of the bandit's swords.

The others ran by and Greenhood grabbed Moira's cloak before putting it back on her shoulders kindly.


She felt all of that what she had bottled up for years coming out at once as she cried. She buried her face in Uriah's chest as she barely noticed their surroundings anymore.

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