[𝙈𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙃𝙞𝙢]

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It wasn't uncommon for men like this to invite girls like her. The waitresses shared worried glances. It was clear the woman was young, but it wasn't their job to ID; they left that to the bouncers. "Here's your drink, ma'am." If the waitresses were paid enough, they'd add a little extra to the drink, sealing the fate of the woman in the VIP booth, but they had to make a living somehow; they had families and people to care for. "Thank you." "You're so cute, Mercedes, thanking people for their jobs. You know it's their job to serve you tonight. You're my princess." The woman's cheeks went rosey. "Thank you, John Doe. I've never felt-" "Don't thank me, just drink; you're always the life of the party with a few drinks in you." The music was blaring, and the smell of sex, sin, and testosterone filled the air. After a few sips, the night was a blur, like static, clouding her mind. When she woke up, a metallic smell filled her nostrils. She sat up, looking across the VIP booth. His face was His face was a mutilated mess. A damp feeling caused her to look at her fingertips, which were drenched in blood. It was quiet and eerie until "𝘾𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙙." A pale hand was placed on the woman's shoulder. Her face was blank as she rocked back and forth. What have you done Mercedes?

Wind pushes roughly against a helmeted face, the sheildplate of said helmet covered with messy red handprints. She couldn't feel anything but the tingling thrill of the life she left behind in seconds. She smiled behind her helmet, everything she had, everything she loved, GONE. And she enjoyed it.

This was new, this was exciting! This was-

-What was that?

She heard crackling behind her, she held onto the handlebars of her roaring motorcycle tighter, her whitened knuckles peaking behind her fingerless gloves.

She couldn't see well beneath the bloody helmet, especially not in the dark, but she could make out a faint figure in her peripherals. A chill runs down her spine as she notices them, she turns her head to the right to get a better view of them but they disappear as quickly as they arrived.

Dread began to set in, panic sinking its nasty fangs into the girls empty stomach. She didn't notice the tree in the distance that was getting ever closer until..


The female ran into the tree, totalling her motorcycle as she hits it head on. She gets roughly thrown off of the vehicle, falling onto the grassy ground with a thud which knocks the breath out of her. Her helmet falls off from the impact.

She shakes her head with her eyes shut tight, only minorly hurt but very shaken and disoriented. A small groan escapes her lips before she opens her eyes.

She notices a pair of feet in front of her and follows them up until she sees the figure she seen earlier. Her eyes widen and she tries to back away before the overwhelming sound of static fills her ears, leaving nothing but silence and darkness in its wake.

【𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚂𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙽𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚛𝚊】Where stories live. Discover now