The god.

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Hello!! PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU READ THE STORY!! This part does include some gore, I tried not to be that descriptive but if you are sensitive to gore or you aren't comfortable with it, please skip to "his POV"

Hiriokos POV: when I saw Yukumo and Akeno, my body froze. The demon smiled brightly. I didn't know what to do. I saw someone behind Yukumo and Akeno. I thought it was him. No it wasn't him, I couldn't see the gods face. The demons eyes widened when he saw a blade go through Akenos chest. Yukumo was shocked, he tried to grab the gods arm but the god shoved the blade up towards Akenos throat. Akeno coughed out blood then tried to move, he couldn't. The god pushed Yukumo to the ground and crushed his head. He kicked Akeno to the ground then stepped on his back. The god looked at me and the demon. I looked at the blade the god was using. It was from the war. I made me and the demon disappear quickly. I didn't know what to think.

His POV: I was walking around the ballroom, I looked at the upper five. I realized the marks they had. Kira had a similar mark to the silence goddess. I didn't know what to do. I didn't plan this out too well. I remember that the god and goddess said about finding Kiras upper rank. Was this all I needed to do? No it wasn't, I needed to go where the upper ranks kept their demons. The revenge god stood up, the upper ranks were trying to stop him. The revenge god looked at the crowd, "everyone leave right fucking now." The revenge god sounded furious, everyone was confused. "If you all don't fucking leave, I'll kill you with my own bare god damn hands." The crowd was shocked, even I was. The gods started to leave but I hid, near where the the thrones were. The soul goddess looked annoyed, "did you have to scare them off like that?" She said in an annoyed tone. The party god slouched in his throne, "it was getting fun, but I'm not doing a whole ass distracted again." The silence goddess looked at the revenge god, "are you fucking serious? You're all pathetic. I will go to war with all of you again if it's necessary." All the upper ranks looked at the revenge god, the temptation god glares at the revenge god. "You have an unfair advantage and you're getting mad over nothing, this god you keep talking about can't hurt you, he probably can't even touch any of us." The temptation god explained, he sounded annoyed. I was confused, who were they talking about?

Kiras POV: please do something, anything. I'm so tired and my body can't do even move. Someone escaped but I don't know what's gonna happen.


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Thanks for reading!! Sorry if I over exaggerated the warning, I didn't want anyone being mad if I didn't give a warning!! I hope you liked this one!! Have a nice day or night!!

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