This can't be happening to me.

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The gods POV: holy shit, I didn't think it would be this fucking easy. They're all so fucking stupid, did they actually think I sided with them? I'm not losing this time, I thought the top seven would be smarter. This whole ass situation is so fucking funny to me.

His POV: my body is so tired, we've been practically fighting the top sevens creations. The upper five still aren't awake, we found a place to hide for awhile. Kira has been stressing out, Hirioko has been more clingy lately. Yori is crying because of the upper five. I hate that fucking god so much, the top seven have already been colonizing and rebuilding for themselves. Kira was trying to read one of her books about the top seven but the pages were burnt. Kira dropped the book then stomped on it, "STUPID ASS FUCKING ROKURO" she yelled, I was surprised since I barley saw Kira like that. I'm assuming the others were surprised too, wait the gods name is Rokuro? How does she even know him? Hirioko was trying to calm Kira down but she kept yelling. Yori covered the revenge gods ears, can the revenge god even hear this? I sighed, what's the point in any of this?

Is this my fault? Why does Rokuro keep calling me Michio? Who even is that? I don't know anything, this is all so fucking weird. I felt someone hold my hand, I saw Hirioko. "You alright?" He asked, I pulled my hand away. "I'm fine." I replied, Hirioko was concerned. He confuses me, he was an asshole when we met but he keeps doing stuff like this. "Do you uh wanna go on a walk? Just to um keep your mind off you know." Hirioko asked, I just nodded. I didn't want to hurt Hiriokos feelings, he's trying I guess.

After a couple minutes, me and Hirioko were just walking away from the group. Hirioko took a deep breath then looked at me, I was confused. He held my hand while looking at me, "do you uh maybe wanna go out sometime? I know things are complicated but I've been into you for awhile and-" Hirioko kept rambling about this, my eyes widened. I can't date him, I didn't even think he's into me. I can't date him, I just can't. It's the wrong time and I can't do this. Why can't he just see that? No, I'm thinking about it the wrong way. I'm so confused, why did he have to tell me now? I can't be with him, Hirioko smiled while still looking at me. I sighed, my plan can't work out if I'm dating him. "Hirioko, I'm sorry." I apologized, his eyes widened. "What?" He asked, I looked at the ground. "You aren't serious, right?" He asked again, I can't answer him. "Please tell me you're just joking, you're the only person I've ever deeply cared about." Hirioko sounded desperate, I can't look at him.

Hiriokos POV: this can't be happening, did I say something wrong? Did I mess it up? Does he love someone else? I love him, why is he rejecting me? No, he's just worried, right? Please, this can't be fucking real. I'd do anything for him, he can't be doing this to me. I saw him walk back to the group, I started to tear up. What did I do wrong? I tried so hard.

His POV: I can't let my feelings get in the way, if I want to help everyone. I can't have any distractions, I'm so sorry Hirioko.

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Hello!! Unfortunately this series is gonna be over soon but if you have any suggestions on what I should write next, please tell me!! I love you all and thanks for reading!!

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