I swear to all that is Holy, never ever trust Wish.

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It was a grey afternoon, only small slivers of sunlight pass through the clouds. I'm heading home from my day shift as a security guard at the local mall.

I enter the address of my martial arts classes and wait for the thing to register before heading over.

I say hello to the sensei and bow before heading towards Amira, my friend from the class.

"Hi Y/N!" She exclaims waving me over to our spot in the corner.

"Hi Amira!" I say waving back and smiling. My parents used to tell me that I always had a smile that made me look like I was a troublemaker, but know me long enough, and you'll realize that I'm only one if I hate you enough.


Fine also if I think it's funny.

"Sit down, I wanna tell you something." She motions to a spot on the ground and sits down herself before crossing her legs and resting her elbows on her knees as if this was a business meeting.

"So, I heard that there was this old game from the 90s, and apparently it's really mysterious and stuff cuz people like, went missing and stuff after they put on the headset that came with it." She smiles at me as I warily wait for the next part.


"What did you think there was more?" I look at her confused.

"Yeah, you smiled like there was something else you wanted to say." She shrugs. "Anyways, dont you think we're a little old for this? I mean, we're 21 and we're gossiping about a haunted VR set." I say giggling.

She laughs.

"Yeah. We're children."

We giggle together until the sensei yells that the class is starting.

——— random skip in time ———

I get home at around 8pm. And plop something in the microwave. I decide to do something I literally never do and go on Wish. Yes the website where scammers thrive and nightmares are born.

I scroll for a long time and even finish my microwave... glob? Oh well that's not important.

I scroll down and spot someone selling an old ass VR set. I remember what Amira told me and I get curious. I kinda wanna see where this goes. There's only one for sale and has been up since...



I shrug it off as a coincidence and I click buy. Hey, it's just 20$, what could go wrong?

———1 week time skip———

•loss of an important adult in their life

If this triggers you, skip to the ••• marking the end of the trauma.

I completely forgot that I bought this. Hey, I've been busy. With. YouTube?

But when the thing arrives I feel a pang of excitement. I hope I can meet new people. Ever since my parents.



• • • you can come back now • • •

I haven't been as social. Amira was the only exception.

I shake at the thought of my parents. I hold back my tears as I put on the headset.

I mean, originally I was just checking how well it fit before buying a game to put in it, but there was already something put in.

The Amazing Digital Circus? What the-


I just noticed this but the graphics are so realistic. A theme song is playing in the background. And honestly it sounded really good.

I finally start paying attention at:

Then there's Pomni,
Day after
Day after
Day after
Day after
Day we fly!
From the moon to the sun and we don't know why!

I stare in awe and smile. It was late in the night anyways I think it's time to stop.

I reach for my headset and let out a gasp.

Where is it?! I touch my head. My hair feels plasticcy!

My breathing becomes ragged.


Damn you WISH..!

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