How the actual FU- Solutions

406 10 11

Italics = pen writing

Hey guys I found some time so... you have a chapter now. Welp enjoy!!

Also it snowed like CRAZY this week, so the trees look they came across angry Elsa. Sadly it's raining now, so that just ruins it and creates ice.

Ragatha POV:

I am so confused.
What the actual heck is happening right now?
I might as well be in one of those books my friend used to love.

Used to love.

I wonder how much she's changed in those few months... years?
I've lost count.

How did I lose count?
How did I forget?
Why am I here?


What am I doing again?
Oh right.

I continue to follow the pen trail through the tunnel, a variety of bright colors styled the doors, and if I wasn't already used to it, it would've burned my eyes.

Finally the doors on the side reach a halt and the trail stops in front of a green door.

"Do you want me to open that?" I ask my ghost buddy. The pen picks itself up again and writes on the wall to my right.

Open the green door. That's where my body is.

I sigh and grab the knob twisting and pulling it open. But the door wouldn't budge. That's weird because the knob could twist.

"Umm... it's not working. How about you try?" I say exasperated. The pen floats up again, then pauses... before writing: oki :)

I watch as the knob turns and opens swiftly. I looked at the door shocked. "Well that was the harshest rejection of my life." I mumble jokingly to the door before continuing to follow the pen's trail.

The inside of the room was dark, and I could barely see, only the light from the door was there to guide us.

I hurriedly follow suit of the pen, which was becoming harder and harder to spot.

"Hey, do you have a flashlight per chance?" I ask the ghost. The trail stops and then the sad word: srry appear on the wall.

I sigh and look at the pen.

"We'll I can't see so unless you ha-" I was interrupted by the lights flickering on. The pen now standing right next to the door. "Oh." I whisper. "How did I not notice?"

I wait patiently for the kind pen ghost to return and we continue to walk, the pen refusing to split up as she said, quote; no Scooby-Doo 'let's split up' stuff, it's dumb and never works.

She does have a point but I did want to get over with the whole searching for a body thing. I don't realize I'm zoning out until I bump into something.

I look.

Hold up, that's not a something, that's a someONE.

It was Y/N.

The pen floats up and writes the words: YOU IMPOSTOR. Before it clanks to the ground, breaking the cheap quality pen and letting the ink spill all over the floor.


As usual, if you don't feel comfortable, or are afraid, then skip to the ••• marking the end of the gore.


To say I was pissed was an understatement.

Not me just took my body and expected me to be fine with it. Or maybe not, considering I can't get back in anymore.

Scratch that, I can't get back in yet.

Fueled by my rage and inability to watch YouTube (yes the circus had a sponsor so it's product placement to use it. Honestly I don't care as long as we get to watch 4h of funny cat vids), I started to think of plans to snatch my body back.

What if I used a frying pan? Like Rapunzel did to knock Flynn Rider unconscious? No, that's kinda dumb, and it's not 100% going to knock not me out. Beside, where do I even find one?


Stab her with the pen!

I grab one of the broken shards of plastic, making sure it was the sharpest one before I aim for not me's forehead, her eyes - my eyes? - widening in fear as I score and it plunges into the soft flesh.

A deathly scream rings through my ears as not me falls to her knees and I'm absorbed back into my body.

Ragatha is looking at me in shock, then back to the pen shards that had caused all this.


• • • OK you can come back now • • •
———after explanations cause I'm lazy———

Ragatha POV:

"Huh." Y/N had just finished explaining what had happened, but even she didn't know how possessing demon got in her or why it took a pen to get rid of it, and now she has a pen shard in her forehead.

I decide not to remove it, to keep her from losing all her blood and to keep pressure on the wound, so instead I help her up and direct her away from the tunnel.

The tunnel that started my fear.
The tunnel that lead us away.
The tunnel that was slowly fading.
Fading away.

•Cryptic Message

If you fear any of this feel free to skip till the end cause it finishes afterwards


A success


I run hurriedly through the dark corridor, hoping to escape them.



You can't hide


I fear my life is on the line


Word Count: 845! Sadly the chapters are getting shorter, but in my defense, it's hard to write with looming exams. So... lame excuse, I know, it's almost as bad as my worth, but I hope you have an amazing day!!

*head pat of care*


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