Bonus Chapter - IDK what to name this

410 14 11

———before the LOORE stuff———
-Also a week after On the Tent's Roof-

Just so y'a know: f/b means favourite book.


I'd promised Jax to show him the book that I was talking about, not that he'd care about reading it of course.

It was actually a book my aunt had given me when I'd turned five. I have NO idea what she was expecting me to do with a book other than chew it, but I'd actually grown to like it once I'd learned that reading existed.

I quickly change into the only clothes in my closet, y'a guessed it, the fortune teller crap!

I'd gotten used to it but it still felt weird not getting to wear what I want. It's like that one strict parent I hear about at school in stories but I never quite understand how they worked.

I quickly brushed my hair, not really caring how it looked like and then tying it up. (however you want, if you have short hair leave it be.)

I grab the book and lock the door behind me before I head over to the spot I'd promised to meet Jax at.

I climb up the ladder, to the roof of the tent. I just really liked the view there. I sigh at the memories it brings back. Not much since it's only been, what, a week? Since we went here?

I don't know, and frankly I don't really care.

Without realizing it I reach the top and I'm sitting down and getting myself comfortable.

I think back to when I was in the real world. Not that the circus wasn't my reality now, just the reality I felt was more real than all this... madness.

I thought back to middle school, high school, skimming past the parts where... the parts where bad stuff happened.

I zone out, clutching the book in my arms, not realizing how close to the edge I am, how AGONIZINGLY close to the edge I am.

That is, I only realize it a wee too late.
Okay, okay, fine. I'm being over dramatic.
Because luckily for me, Jax swoops in and catches my arm.

"Ow. That hurts. My arm's gonna fall off." I groan annoyed but relieved at his sudden rescue.

"Well, I'm sure it hurts more if ya fell down there, wanna try?" He smiles mischievously as he removes one finger from his hold on my arm.

"NO THANK YOU! I'm very much happy staying alive!" I say grabbing onto his arm tightly in fear. He blushes but pulls me up.

"Okay.. so. Books?"

"Well, that's an awkward way to start it." I say nudging him with my elbow.

"Ow, well jeez, what am I supposed to say then if you're so good with people." He retorts playfully.

"I'm not."
"That proves my point!"

"So?" I stick my tongue out and grab the book. I read the title aloud for him. "F/b"

"I think I've heard of that somewhere. What's it about?" He asks leaning over to get a good look of it.

"Read it." I throw the book at him which he barely catches.

"Jeez! Don't do that, you could've killed me." I shrug and point at the book, signaling for him to read it. His eyes widen slightly, I barely notice it, but it's gone immediately afterwards.

I'm probably imagining things.
Damn brain.

Jax POV:

I recognize this book. I don't quite remember who recommended it to me, It just... feels important to me somehow. I continue to read, the words somehow coming to my head before I even finish the sentence.

How do I remember all this?

I hear Y/N from beside me clear her throat. I turn towards her, an eyebrow raised.

"Sooo... do you like it?" She asks sheepishly as if she was afraid I'd say no.

"It's ok. I feel like... never mind." I shake my head and her the book back. She smiles as she takes it back.

Zooble POV:
(yes, it's HER turn now, WOO!)

I watch as Y/N and Jax talk to each other on the roof. Yeah it sounds like I'm a creep, but practically everyone is shipping them and it's obvious they like each other.

They seem so... at ease with each other. I'm just glad that Jax hasn't been doing much since Y/N came.

Y/N's cool. We chat from time to time, but no one really knows about it but her. I don't know, something about her reminds me of a pillow.

OK THAT SOUNDS RANDOM BUT HEAR ME OUT! She comforting, she's soft, and honestly really easy to open up to. (Author here, yes I've talked to pillows before, shut up.)

Honestly I wish I knew how to talk to people, but the thing is... well... I have some other problems.

Ones that involve Life...
Or Death.

Word Count: 800 exactly! So yeah, Zooble is gonna be an important character, along with some others I've neglected in previous chapters, so if there's suddenly, like, a bunch of different points of view, well, now you know.


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