Magically Getting Sick

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3rd person POV:

Y/N's eyes flutter open, rapidly taking in her surroundings. She looks around in fear, unable to move or speak.

Your glass orb, use your glass orb! A voice cries out in desperation from everywhere around her.

A flash of light appears and engulfs Y/N's surroundings as she bolts upright in bed, sweat beading down her forehead.

Jax POV:

I'm worried.

Normally Y/N's one of the first to wake up, but today even Kinger arrives earlier than her.

"Caine, can I go check on Y/N instead of doing whatever the heck we're doing now?" I ask already slowly inching towards the rooms.

"Of course you can check on your little friend! Just make sure you're BOTH here so we can start the activity!" He says, but I'm already halfway down the hallway.

I reach her door and knock.

"Hello? It's me Jax."

"come in." I hear Y/N say weakly from inside. I pull out the key to her room and unlock it quickly.

I find her lying on her bed, her skin extremely pale and her face flushed. I rush over and put her forehead against mine.

"Jax, what are you-"

"You have a fever." I say quickly, pulling myself away.

"What do you need? Blankets? Warm water? Ice pa-"

"Jax!" I stop rambling and look at her.


"You need to calm down. I'm fine. It's just a little common cold." She says looking up at me and smiling.

I sigh in disbelief.

"Look, I need to do something to help or I'm never gonna forgive myself." I say as I go to her bathroom and soak a towel in hot water.

She goes silent and let's me put the towel on her forehead.

"I'm telling Caine you're sick." I say, heading for the door reluctantly. She nods and I leave, heading back to the stage area.


Once he leaves, I blush. That was sweet of him. I think about what Ragatha said the other day. I blush even more.

I slowly get up, the world spinning round and round. I feel nauseous, but I think my dream was telling me something more important than my cold.

I slowly walk over to my desk, opening my drawer and pushing a hidden button, the bottom slides away to reveal a secret compartment, a small glass orb barely the size of both my hands lays there.

I pick it up slowly, then return to my bed, hugging it tightly as I fall back asleep.

Jax POV:

I've already started to mess with Darren, taking little things, mostly. I don't want it to be too obvious yet...

But today I forget all about it.

I worry my mind out over Y/N, finding every opportunity to check on her. I had to constantly replace the warm towels.

Quickly night falls and I find myself next to her taking care of her. My eyes grow heavy. I check the time.


I yawn. No I... I can't... fall asleep... I think to myself as my eyes close and my conscious drifts away.

———in the morning———


I wake up early. REALLY early. Like, 3:05 in the morning early.

I notice Jax asleep on a chair next to my bed. I smile and get him a blanket. I wrap him tightly in it then grab the orb on my bed.

Somehow I know what to do with it. I hold it up to my eye and wait.

Suddenly, a shadowy figure appears in the purple-ish tint of the crystal orb.

You have found me. It says. I will show you what you need, whenever you need... for one price.

"What is it?" I mutter, as to not wake Jax up.

Umm, this may sound odd but... friends? Can we be friends? I'm taken aback. This was quite the cheap price to know anything whenever.

"Uhh... sure. Of course." I say.

Oh! Just so you know, because I'm pretty sure this'll happen again, when people visit others in a dream,  It takes a lot of your physical energy, and weakens random vital systems. That's why you were sick today.

"Ok, wait WHA-?!"

So make sure that everyday you put up a mental barrier. I think you have a book about that.

"...ok..." I say quickly putting the orb with the little boy away.

That was... really, really weird.

734 words! Not worth it since I probably won't have enough time to post again... I'm so sorry, I had extra classes that took up the most of my day. Same thing for tomorrow so I might not post as much. Also I started writing this during a week without school. So I'll be posting less. (Again, so sorry!) Also I will STILL write on paper. I even do it now actually.

  I even do it now actually

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