Chapter 6

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"What the fuck did you want me to tell him? Just throw it at our best friends that think we still hate each other, that we fucked?" "No you're right, but you're also're right because we couldn't have just thrown that at them, but you're also wrong because they aren't thinking that we still hate each other, because I never said I stopped." And with that, she left...and I let her.

Alex's P.O.V
"You ready or what? Come on, we've been parked out in front for like 5 minutes." Will complained through the phone. "I'm waiting on Lexi...oh here she comes, we'll be out in a sec." I said before hanging up on him. "Sexy as fuck, babe you ready?" She didn't respond we just both walked out to the car. I noticed Lauren's disgusted face through the car window as she looked at Lexi's choice of over-revealing apparel, but I wasn't complaining. We got in and I asked "So where we going?" "The new insane looking arcade, then somewhere to grab a bite." "Sounds great." I stated as I smacked my palms onto my knees. "Sarah and Jake are gonna meet us after, I don't know if they're going to the arcade yet." Lauren added. "Who's Jake?" "Who's Sarah?" Me and Lexi both asked in unison to no one in particular. "Sarah is a nobody." I cut it short and then I started again, "So who's Jake?" "Her date, or boyfriend, I don't know what they are." Lauren talked to me through her rearview mirror. "Why does she even have to go? That just ruins my whole day. How can her ugliness even attract a guy?" "Alex!" Will stopped the car with anger evident. "You need to keep your shitty comments in your head or you can start wasting your own gas. You two may hate each other, but you take this shit to an unnecessary level." And with that, he turned around and started driving again. After the silent, 15 minute drive, we finally entered the huge, lit up play area. As we walked in, out of all the things to notice, there was Sarah and "Jake" playing some zombie shooting game with him behind her, helping her with the gun as they both laughed and seemed to be having a good time. Without noticing us, we all made our way towards them. "Oh my gosh, I forgot to text you guys back, we got busy playing the games." She was all smack-happy, his arm still around her waist. I put my arm around Lexi and snuggled into her neck, pretending it was only us two there. After the small talk, all the couples separated and did their own thing. The games weren't as amusing to me as they should be, because it seemed like my eyes kept landing on her out of all people having fun with some tool. "Babe are we fucking tonight? Because if not, this lameness is not worth it." Lexi whined at my side, but my eyes remained on Sarah as her boy toy held her ass and kissed her multiple times in a row. "Aleeeeex..." she whined again. "Yes, okay, we'll fuck," I removed my glare and turned the other direction. "Let's find Will and Lauren and see if they're ready to leave this place yet." I grabbed Lexi's hand in mine and dragged her behind me searching for the Asian and his girl. Not paying attention, I got jerked back, taking me by surprise. I looked behind me to see that Sarah and Lexi seemed to have bumped into each other, but neither apologised. They glared at each other, before Sarah just brushed it off and left. "Now I can see why you don't like that bitch, she totally walked into me on purpose, babe." Lexi complained and blamed others as usual. I ignored her nagging as I spotted who I was searching for. "I know it's lame." Will said before I could even utter a word. "Do you guys wanna find Sarah and Jake and tell them we're going to eat now?" Lauren asked me and the obnoxious gum chewer at my side. "No I don't like her, why don't you?" Lexi gave Lauren an attitude. "Look bitch, I don't know who you think you're talkin..." Lauren grew vicious, but I cut her off before it went too far. "I'll find her." Will and Lauren looked at me with disbelief but didn't bother to question it. The three of them made their way to the car while I began another search, which only took about a minute and a half tops. "We're going to eat now, ya know if you two are coming." "Yeah, we'll meet you there. Steak & Shake or that burrito place?" She asked me. "Burrito place." I answered. Before anything else, her little lover boy pulled her closer causing her to laugh and smile at him as though my dick was never inside of her. I left it at that and went to the car to meet the others, leaving those two behind.

After the awkward, tension filled dinner we all decided to go to my place and drink and smoke a little. Lexi went home, probably because Lauren wanted to claw her eyes out. But then after a while, Will and Lauren also left. So I was left with just Sarah and Jake, great. Jake started to grow on me as we got more buzzed. I was nowhere near fucked up, so I stood up from my seat to make my way to the kitchen, leaving them sitting a bit too close to each other on the couch.

After what felt like probably 10 minutes I walked back out into the living room to see a panicking Jake, with a still Sarah sprawled out on the couch. "I fucked up." He ran his fingers through his hair, looking like he was about to cry. "What the fuck did you do?" I freaked out as I rushed towards Sarah's unconscious body on the couch. "My buddy said to slip her a little in her drink and it....and...and I think I gave her too much and..." he stammered. "What the fuck did you give her?!" I screamed in his face, trying so hard not to see it as a punching bag. "I don't know it..." "Give me the bottle or what ever it was!" I yelled as I made sure she was still breathing. He nervously handed me the prescription bottle and I read the name. "You do realize you could have possibly fucking killed her?! What were you trying to accomplish here, you sick fucking twat?!" I growled in his face. "I..I..." "If you ever go near her again, I'm warning you, it won't be pretty. Now, get the fuck out of my house, while you're still in one piece!" He rushed out the door, resembling a frightened cat. I sat next to her body and pushed the hair from her face before checking her breathing and her pulse. Her pulse was slowly decreasing, which meant the drugs needed to get out of her system and soon. I picked her up and rushed her to the bathroom, sat her in between my legs on the bathroom floor and held her face over the toilet. I forced my fingers down her throat, trying to make her puke, but nothing came up. I tried once more and she started gagging, and some puke came up. "Come on, baby. Come on, you can do it." I whispered, trying not to panic. I tried once more and it came up, and it kept coming and coming. "Almost, baby girl, come on, don't give up on me." And with that more and more came up. She was still unconscious, but there was tears coming from her eyes as she began to dry heave. "One more time, just in case. I'm sorry..." I stuck my fingers down her throat once more and nothing else came out. I fell back against the wall and pulled her body into my lap. I rested my head against the wall and just stared at the ceiling, before I felt her body start to shake and she started gagging. I held her face over the toilet once more and a small amount of vile came out, causing her to cough in the process. "Alex..." she cried out for me. "I'm right here, I'm right here, you're okay." I held her trembling body into my chest as she cried. She started coughing and struggled to catch her breath. "Shh, calm down." When I looked down at her, she was unconscious again. I stood up with her in my arms and carried her upstairs to my bed and laid her down gently. I removed her sweatshirt and pants which had puke on them, leaving her in her shirt and underwear. I placed the back of my hand to her forehead and she was getting a temperature. I went downstairs and brought up a glass of water and a cold, damp washcloth to place on her head. I continued to make sure she remained on her side through the night so she didn't throw up in her sleep. I stayed up the whole night making sure she was okay and her cloth stayed cool. I was finally able to fall asleep when the sun began to rise...

A/N: What do you all think about this Jake and Lexi? Let me know in the comments :) Comment, vote & follow?

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