Chapter 9

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Her face cuddled to my chest as I listened to her breathing begin to slow. Her fingers drew patterns on my skin as I traced my fingers through her hair. Her soft, tired voice broke through the room by saying "They fell apart and we fell together."

Sarah's P.O.V
Alex and I have been spending quite amount of time together lately and I'm on a break from him at the moment...a short break. I left his house this morning and we planned a movie night tonight. I showered and did everything I had to get done, mostly just sat and thought about stuff for a while. It's just insane to think about how much we don't have in common, but we're still so much alike. I still feel a type of hatred lingering, I feel as though he does too but we're just too preoccupied in each other as of right now. I cleared my mind as my phone notified me repeatedly, opening it to texts from Alex rushing me. I finished getting dressed before grabbing a bottle of wine I found in a cabinet and heading out the door in the direction I came from just hours before. When I reached my destination, my mind was clear as I walked in without knocking as usual. I went up the stairs to his bedroom knowing that's where he'd be. Bottle in hand, I smiled happily as I walked towards the door. My hand turned the knob and what I opened it to see made my stomach tighten and my head throb. The bottle fell from my grasp and bounced at the carpeted floor. His gaze shot towards me as he separated his lips from Lauren's. "Sarah..." he breathlessly mumbled towards me. He slowly stood up from the bed and I stumbled backwards. My brain finally comprehended the scene and sloppily ran down the stairs and back out the door. I ran as fast as I could, not knowing whether I should be heartbroken or hysterically laughing. I stopped at an alley way and leaned against a brick wall, completely out of breath. I laughed to myself, but the more I held the tears in, the harder it hurt. "I knew it...I fucking knew it." I cried, still attempting to laugh. I knew he hadn't changed, I knew he felt nothing, I knew that all I was to him was fucking booty calls when he couldn't find some other whore for the job. I kicked at the wall and pounded my fists against it, not paying attention to the physical pain, only focusing on the emotional and mental pain I was drowning in. Why am I crying over this right now? Why am I crying over Alex fucking Ramos? Now I understand why I hated him in the first place.

I walked until my feet ached and the blood on my hands began to coagulate. I came into contact with the familiar apartment building and rang the buzzer. "Who is it?" The voice chimed through the speakers. "Hello?" "Ye...yeah it's me." I stammered. The buzzer vibrated and the door clicked. I opened the door and began another journey up the stairs struggling with my sore feet. After climbing the multiple flights of stairs I finally made it. "Sarah! What happened to you?" Was the greeting I received. He grabbed my hands and examined the dry blood drips that ran down to the tips of my fingers. "Everything is falling apart. Everything is gone." I stuttered through tears. He pulled me into a hug and said "What are you talking about?" He rubbed my back. "Will...I...I...fuck." I tried. "Just tell me." He said as he pulled me inside. I sat on his kitchen counter as he cleaned the wounds on my hands. My hand in his as he gently dabbled away the stained crimson. "Now tell me what's wrong." He looked at me as he dropped my bandaged hand into my lap. "I walked in and...I...I should have knocked I..." I huffed, sick at the thought. "What happened?" He worryingly pushed. "Alex and Lauren...they...they were kissing." I swallowed. "This is a joke right? Lauren put you up to this?" He tried to brush it off. I shook my head and something in my face made him realize it wasn't a joke. "I'm gonna kill him!" He growled and went storm off but I grabbed his hands and pulled him back to me. "It wasn't just Alex, Will." I mumbled. "Why would..." he sighed, dropping it. I watched him as he stared down at my hands still in his, his thumb slowly began to graze across my skin. He stepped closer in between my legs as I was still sat on the countertop. He looked up and his eyes met mine, his thumb traced at the skin on my cheek. "We have to hit them where it hurts. Let's start with jealously." You could hear the pain, betrayal, and sarcasm in his voice. Before we could realize the mistake we were making, our lips were connected, and my arms & legs were wrapped around his body. "Revenge really is sweet." He smiled against my lips.

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