Rambunctious beat.

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After a wonderous, magnificent, absolutely horrifically amazing night with y/n, I woke up in my bed in a cold sweat. I got up and opened the door of my bedroom. I jumped out of my treehouse and scooped up some dirt into my bare hand. I then threw it into the mist that surrounded the treehouse of mine. Unfortunately, I had hit the one and only, Peppa Pig. She started running at me, and fast, with a furious rage in her eyes. I turned and tried to run, but to my surprise, there was Obama. He had a plastic bat with a smiley face sticker on it. The only thing I saw after making that observation was him swinging the bat towards my head. Next thing I knew I woke up in some kind of dark basement. I quickly looked around, to see Obama, Peppa Pig, Harry Styles, George, and the Kool-Aid guy. I tried to scream and move around but was only able to achieve a squirm but my mouth had a piece of duct tape on it and I was tied up with tight ropes, restricting my every movement. Georgy Pig slowly walked up to me with a mischievous grin and ripped off the tape. "Why are you doing this?!" I asked, my tone of voice growing quickly. "You cannot have y/n. They are OURS." Harry styles said. Suddenly, y/n bursts through the doors on the roof with a gun! They start shooting and everyone's ducking! "Please y/n! Don't kill them!" I shout. They slowly approach me and place a hand on my cheek. "Why? They are trying to hurt you!" "But please y/n, just let them live..." I say. My voice is still shaken from the Immedient action. I look at the others who have scattered around, they seem quite frightened as well. "Why are you so persistent about keeping the same people who were about to kill you, alive?! Your fucking insane Jayden!" They start screaming at me. Hot tears start forming in my eyes. "Your pathetic! Don't start with those tears! You put yourself here!" A single tear falls, and more follow. "Darling I'm sorry! Please! Just, let them live! I know I'm pathetic! I just..." "Fine." Their eyes finally showed a single ounce of sympathy. I looked at them with a thankful gaze as they untied the ropes that were stopping me from leaving this place. I slowly got up, to find that I could barely walk. They must've purposely done this to me! I fell to the cold concrete ground, which hurt immensely. Y/n slowly picked me up, and carried me slowly out of the basement.

Harry Styles x Obama x Reader x AuthorWhere stories live. Discover now