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"WAKE UP!" Zooble kept repeating in a panicked and loud manner until we woke up. The minute I got up they pointed to the tv. I drowsily looked at it, not understanding the gravity of the situation until I read the words on screen. "THIS IS A NATIONAL SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT. A CODE 7789 HAS BEEN INITIATED UPON THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ZOMBIES ARE ARISING FROM THE DEAD AND PEOPLE ARE DYING. STAY IN YOUR HOUSE AT ALL TIMES AND KEEP YOURSELF SAFE WHILE WORLD CLASS SCIENTISTS FIND A CURE. PROTECT YOUR LOVED ONES AND KEEP RATIONS PROTECTED. MAY GOD BLESS AND PROTECT THIS NATION." Flashed on screen as the amber alert sound played. This was terrifying to say the least. Y/n woke up too and read it. They looked terrified as well. "Oh my fucking god..." I say shakenly. We all get up and run to the kitchen, grabbing whatever food and water possible. I also grab my phone and notebooks. We then all rush out in our pj's to the apartment complexes tornado shelter. Apparently everyone else thought the same though it was pretty big so it wasn't too crowded. We unloaded our food into the big pile by the stairs and went to a corner of the room. Eventually Zooble found their girlfriend and they huddled together trying to make light of the situation. Me and y/n tried to do the same. Suddenly we hear someone clap and the room goes silent. In a loud, preacher voice, a man said, "Everyone! This is a time of crisis. A time of need. But that will not dampen our spirits. We will make it through this and survive! No matter what it takes!". After he said that everyone started clapping including ourselves. He was right. We are gonna make it through this. Everyone starts discussing rations and blankets and such. We have enough food to last us a month, but they might need people to go and scavenge for more. When asked for volunteers me and Zooble both raised our hands. "Alright Zooble and...?" "Jayden." I respond to the person taking volunteers. "Zooble and Jayden!" Everyone claps at our bravery to volunteer. I take one of my notebooks and jot down that I am now a scavenger. I then check my phone and see posts all about it and people in other countries worrying about it spreading all over the world. But there were surprisingly zombie apocalypse deniers?? It's like covid all over again. "Hey guys I'm gonna peak out on the ground, K?" I call out to my group. They gave me a thumbs up and I stepped up the stairs and peaked out of the door. Everything looked relatively normal except litered with zombies. I quickly closed and locked the door in fear of them noticing me. I went back down the stairs and saw people setting up the tv someone brought in. "Hey guys, can I help?" I said to them. "Yeah, sure. Grab that red cable and put it in the insert right there," he points to a hole on the back of the tv before continuing. "And that'll probably be the most help we'll need." I do what he says and smile at him. I go back to the group and see people making make-shift weapons out of basically anything and writing protocols incase zombies were to get it, floods, starvation, etc. Some people were calling their families and making sure they are ok. I walked to the other side of the room where people were setting up blowup mattresses and yoga mats to sleep on. I helped them blow up some mattresses to which the children would be sleeping on. I got back to y/n and we talked for a bit. Suddenly we heard another call from across the room. "Hey guys! There's an update!" We rushed over there and we huddled with everyone around the tv. "PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT. UPDATE: ZOMBIES HAVE INFESTED IN COUNTRY, CLAIMING ALMOST EVERY SPACE. STAY SAFE, AND IF YOU CAN, LEAVE THE COUNTRY." That was something we can't do. "MAY GOD PROTECT AND BLESS THIS NATION." Everyone, still scared, goes back to their groups. I try to get comfortable on the yoga mat with y/n and we eventually go back to sleep.

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