Meowskulls is hot

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We sit around and eat the food in silence. I try to offer some to Albert but he denies it. "We've already covered this land, so I think we should head out." Zooble says. I think that might be the most sensible thought we're all having. Everyone nods and I add on to it. "In the morning?" Everyone nods once again and we settle down to sleep.

We wake up and begin packing. I jump down from the base and the others do too. Albert looks down and fidgets with his belt loop. "Something wrong Al?" I say to him. "Nothing." He says blankly while looking down. I worry for a second but shrug it off. Zooble passes me the big weapon and takes the smaller one for themselves. Our goal is mainly to protect y/n and Gangle. We leave the area and begin patrolling the unexplored parts of the forest. We find nothing, and continue out of the forest into the abandoned cities. There are zombies, but they leave us alone because of Al. If not for him, we'd be nothing but a small snack to them. We keep going while being weary of others in case they change their minds. I stay attached by the waist to y/n, and they do the same. We don't fit in here. If we weren't with Albert we'd be fighting all of them off and possibly dead. These "people" would kill us in an instant if they wanted to. We stop by a convenience store and take all we can get, so it'll last us about a mouth say there are no inconveniences. We head back into a dark alleyway that leads us into another forest. Here, hopefully, we won't need Al's charisma to stay alive. We look around and admire the natural beauty that hadn't been tainted by humans yet. I look around the forest and no base is in sight. We continue to patrol in some way hoping to find a viable place to stay. In the forest though, we find an abandoned shed. We look in there and see mold. Absolutely not. We have to keep going. Me and y/n are still attached at the hip, and I feel a slight burning pain in my legs. This is totally gonna make up for me missing my daily walk for a while. We pull up to a house in the middle of the forest. At this point everything had been silent other then the sounds of our footsteps and occasional grunts, but the lights in the house were on and we heard singing. We knock on the door and a sweet middle aged woman opens the door. She looks at the state of our team and lets us in without a word. 

We sit on the couch as she asks us how we are, offering medicine and such. I look over at Al licking his lips but dismiss it. Me and Zooble tell her our story, and she offers us a bed to sleep. We accept it and go to the room she offered, to find Harry Styles and Obama! They look surprised to see us but don't say anything. We go to bed and finally get a peaceful slumber.

Harry Styles x Obama x Reader x AuthorWhere stories live. Discover now