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I threw y/n and myself behind the mountain of boxes, but it was too late, and we had already been seen. "Hello? Who's there? What are you doing in my house?!" It sounded like Harry Styles. I wanted to get behind him and take him out quick with my bat, but that wouldn't be the best option at the moment since he might be wielding a hidden weapon. "I said, who's there?!" Next thing I knew y/n had already took him out, yet I heard fast footsteps. His unconscious body hit the ground and Obama ran in with all of the anthropomorphic animal toddlers following behind him. They all started attacking me, pain surging through my body with each blow, before y/n takes out Obama. The toddlers loom over Obama like flies, trying to bring him back to consciousness which left me and y/n just enough time to grab the money and get out through the trapdoor leading to the backyard. From there, we left the same way we came. 

The walk home was awkward, and mostly silent before y/n spoke up. "I'm sorry Jayden, I didn't know all that would happen." I sighed, then replied with, "It's fine. At least we didn't get hurt, and now we can go to Tokyo!". That was the one good thing about the situation. 

We entered the apartment once again and go to y/n's room and open their computer. We then start looking for flights to Tokyo, Japan so we can see thisguy137/Taylor Swift. I see a good deal, but I check the bag to make sure we had enough to which we did. We add hotel prices, food, transportation, whatever you need, and everything is perfect. We book everything, and begin to relax. Y/n lets me use their shower and everything is good. Honestly, everything is going pretty good. We play some video games and snuggle up to go to bed. We said goodnight and went to sleep.

Harry Styles x Obama x Reader x AuthorWhere stories live. Discover now