broken dora

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Y/n runs up to me and squeezes me tight. "I was so worried!" They say to me. Gangle goes up and hugs Zooble as well. I look around and the room and everything seems about normal. I drop the bag next to the staircase and hug y/n back. They kiss me on the cheek and I look at Zooble. "Hey, thanks for saving me Zooble." I say to them. "Yeah, whatever." They respond. They go back to their corner and talk with their girlfriend. We go back to our corner and start talking. "You know, I haven't seen Obama or Harry Styles in a while, where do you think they might be?" Y/n says. I respond with, "I don't know, probably planning some way to get back at us or something.". "Yeah probably." I look over at the tv, it's playing pj masks. A bunch of kids and some teenagers are watching it. One of the kids moms in the show appears on screen. My nipples get hard looking at her. Suddenly, I hear a scream from one of the people! A zombie had gotten into the compound and bit someone! One of the attempted to bite someone else but was thrashed with a wooden stick. The zombie immediately attempted to bite the person who hit it. The other zombie was biting as many people as possible. Zooble declared that our group needed to move out because it is not safe here. I ran and grabbed a couple weapons and grabbed y/n. We left the bunker and ran through the forest. We ran to the abandoned store we found earlier, but it had been taken over by a hoard of zombies. We continue to run deeper then we did our first time, eventually finding an abandoned treehouse. We climb up and rest. Through pants, Y/n says, " Oh thank god we got out. They might've already gotten infected.". Zooble nods, and Gangle does too. "Yeah, we might've been dead by now if we hadn't left. Though, I feel guilty just leaving them there." I say. I look out at the forest. Seems pretty empty. I hold y/n close as we attempt to sleep.

When we awake I get up and look in my bag. "Alright who's going hunting?" I go dibs not it and everyone but y/n put their finger on their nose. "Sorry babe." I say to them with a smirk. "Yeah yeah whatever." They roll their eyes to me. I toss them my weapon and game bag as they head out of the treehouse. "Man I hope they'll be alright" I say. "You know what? Fuck it, I'm going with them." Says Zooble. They immediately take their weapon and go with y/n. What girlfriend I am, leaving y/n to go hunt. Now it's just me and gangle.

Harry Styles x Obama x Reader x AuthorWhere stories live. Discover now