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AUTHORS NOTE: Hiya guys!! Wowzers chapter 20!! Can you believe we're already 20 chapters in? It felt so far away! Soon we'll be at chapter 30. Just wow!! But anyway enjoy the chapter.

With these new-found (and forced) allies we thought we could finally sleep easy, but we were wrong. I woke up in the middle of the night covered in sweat. I could hear the thundering of the sky and I could tell the others hear it too. The ground shook slightly and I grabbed our stuff. Gangle was still asleep so Zooble went to wake her up. "Alright, where are we gonna go? We're stuck in this forest with no shelter." Y/n says. "At this point, we just have to pray we find some. Lets get moving." I respond. We soon head out. Its still quite dark and estimated a couple hours from dawn. It isn't raining, just thunder, which is still very frightening. My body still aches with sleepiness, causing me to be slower then usual. The thunder is slowly becoming more frequent, and the group becomes silent to listen. "This isn't good, we need to move quicker," Zooble says. I try to move quicker but also try to avoid over exerting myself. Harry Styles and Obama have remained quiet the whole time with good reason. I realize something. I haven't actually gotten good sleep in a long while. Once this is all over- if it does eventually end- I'll focus on that. But I'm slightly becoming doubtful that there will ever be an end to this nightmare. We continue going deeper into the forest as the thunder gets harder and we start seeing tiny flashes of light in the sky. The group is huddled together, keeping in a steady pace. We trek through the thick lush and the people at the front, me and Zooble, sweep away the branches for the others. Nobody speaks, we have to save our breath to walk. Suddenly I hear a yelp from the back. Everyone stops walking and we look to see Harry Styles on the floor. He had an injury of some sorts, but it was too dark to see what happened. "I'll get him," I say, going to the back and picking him up. He was surprisingly very light, or I was just really strong. I looked at his leg a bit and saw blood. I get down on my knees and take off my belt, securing it around his pant leg in hopes of stopping the bleeding. I then pick him up again and begin trying to catch up to the group. Y/n has taken my place at the front and is slowly picking up the pace. Harry Styles still clings to me, giving small whimpers every so often from the pain. I feel a slight drizzle coming in and sense the air getting cooler. The group starts going faster, and I begin to fall behind. At this point I am fully awake. We start to see shelter in the near distance and I feel a slight bit of relief, but not completely. We rush to the building, and see its the entrance to a town. We enter into the town and look around. The town was rather bare, but there were no zombies in sight so we came in. "Is it possible to find the nearest hospital?" Gangle asked. "That would be the most smart option, yes." I replied. The pavement was cracked and the buildings looked old, but the town had a certain peace to it. We continue walking until we reach a big building. We enter and only see a couple people inside. They're probably janitors, cleaning up before everyone gets there. We walk in and they're quick to notice us. They run up to us and begin examining how we look. "Are you ok? What happened? Where are you from?" They bombard us with questions. Zooble explains that we need to go to the hospital and they offer to drive us. We all look at eachother a bit iffy, but 6 v 1 would be an easy fight for us, and the man has good intentions. He directs us out to his car and we all get in. Because of the limited seats, Harry Styles has to sit on my lap, and Obama on Y/n's.

After a quick drive they drop us off and we get out. We go in and ask for medical attention for Harry Styles leg. They take one look at all of us and take us all in, despite our protests.

Harry Styles x Obama x Reader x AuthorWhere stories live. Discover now