explanations and first mission

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Lula pov

I couldn't believe it, my childhood friend was standing right before me he was as shocked as me if his face was any indication and before either one of us knew what was going on we both super speed ran to each other and hug but then we remembered that our teams were still here and we separate with both of us blushing and gotro stepped out.

"Umm Lula you know him," GoTro said

"It's a long story," I said and then went on to explain what happened between us.

"So let me get this right, you two were actually childhood friends that got separated during the evacuation of your home planet," Howler said and Jex nod but then ben interrupted by giving out a fake cough,

"As much as I enjoy this little reunion we actually have a mission for you all for today," Ben said and led all of us to a control room where we all set down around a round table before Ben started talking.

"So we have gain word that a group of wanted aliens are holding up in abandoned warehouse on earth your mission is to capture the aliens and bring them to justice," Ben said and everyone nodded and we all (minus Ben) hoped on to the ship and was on our

2 hours later

Jex pov

As we were touching down in the middle of the woods with our ship in stealth mode we got ready to set out Howler grab his blaster and backpack, max got his proto tool, killa put on her power gauntlets and I put on my laser wrists blasters and set them to non-lethal and the orion squad grabbed their weapons as well and we all got ready to go with me and Lula going ahead of the the group with our speed until we spot the wearhouse and waited for our teams and when they got here we all hid behind some trees.

"Ok so what do we do next," frost said while on top of a tree branch with his wings open.

"While me and Jex will go and ran in and hide before they can see us, meanwhile you and the other will stay behind untill we give a signal and then we kick their butts," Lula said and everyone nodded except for Max.

"Hey who's in charge of the a.a.i squad," max said and i signed.

"Your right umm what are your orders sir,"i said trying to make it sound like i was interested.

"Ok so ummm .... Go with Lula plan," Max said and everyone nodded and after I put my Goggles on me and Lula ran into the warehouse and hid behind some boxes as three alien (a pyronite, appoplexian, and a orishan) were putting weapons in box

"Looks like some kind of illegal weapon shipment," Lula said as I raised my goggles and nodded and took out my plumber badge and sent a signal for the others to move in and not long after the doors got blown open and the rest of the two teams came in and of course this gave our presents known making the aliens surprise but the aliens attack non the less as the pyronite shot three fireball at them but one of the orion squad members who I learned her name was Eve made a shield out of mana and blocked the fire balls but the the appoplexian jumped at the ground but then kllie jumped at the other appoplexian making them both crashes into a pile of boxes and the orishan blast me and Howler was with high pressure water pushing both of us into the wall knocking us out.

No one's pov

After Jex and Howler got knocked out Lula used her speed to run behind the pyronite and try to kicked him in to the wall but the pyronite grab her leg and tossed her into some boxes and ignition his hands and was about to burn her to a crisp but then frost sprayed him with his ice breath until he was frozen and helped Lula up but then the ice began to crack and soon the pyronite broke free but before he could bo anything else he was shot with a green laser and they turned to see GoTro give a thumbs ups but then a fire ball came out of nowhere and knocked the group out meanwhile Eve was blocked the water from the orishan with her mana shield but while the orishan was busy with that Max came out with his proto tool he shot a energy net but the orishan noticed and blasted the net with water make it hit Eve and then the orishan blast Max with hot water make him drop his proto tool and then he tried to blast Max with water but the water was blocked by Crawnch who inflated his arm twice it's original size and gave the orishan a punch knocking him into a wall (god everyone is getting thrown into walls) but then the pyronite thrown a fire ball at the team and now with everyone out everyone was out the pyronite started walking to the unconscious Lula with a fire ball in hand without him or the orishan noticing jex starting to wake up.

Jex's pov

As I started to come back to my senses I quickly got up and after quick super spin to dry off and checked on Howler to make sure he was ok which he was I turned around and saw the pyronite approaching Lula with a fire ball and I panicked but then I saw the orishan and got a idea and using my super speed I ran circles around the orishan getting his attention before stoping right behind him and tapped him on the shoulder getting his attention.

"Hey buddy," I said before the orishan tried to blast me with water only for me to quickly move out of the way making the water hit the pyronite extinguishing his flames after which day started arguing and while they were doing that I went around and quickly shook everybody awake and after everyone was awake the pyronite and orishan noticing and got ready to fight but then the appoplexian from before crashed into them and me and the others look to see kllie spit out a Fang but then the three aliens got up and was about to fight us again but they were quickly stopped by a Sonic howl and we turn to see howler with his speakers out stunning them with his sonic howl and I quickly swapped my lasers to net mode before shooting a net made out of energy at them wiping them all up after which everybody chilled before Max called in to HQ

2 hours later

As I watch the three aliens getting transported into a jail ship I smiled and looked at the two teams and well most of them was talking Kllie and Howler was arguing about who save who with kllie talking about taking on the appoplexian and Howler talking about how he stop the Three but I just rolled my eyes cuz that had nothing to do with me but then I noticed Ben walking up to me.

"Congratulations on your first mission Jex,"Ben said

"Thank you," I said feeling proud for my self

"And as a reward I am hosting a plumber's party and was wondering if you would like to come," Ben said and I was joyed

"Yes of course I would love to come," I said and me and Ben shook hands.

(And I think that's a good place to leave off I hope you all enjoying it so far I'll try to get the next part out as soon as possible)

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