meeting again

18 0 3

No one pov night time

Jex calmly walk to a sealed vault door as Jex stepped over several different guards who were all ether died or knocked out but then one of the guards s who Jex thought were knocked out grabbed Jex leg and begged Jex not to steal the item in the vault and Jex responded by doing the only logical thing seen fit jex shot him through his head with his wrist blaster.

"No one is stopping me from get my energy converter," Jex said as he then turn to the vault and Jex twisted the knob on his wrist blaster and sprayed an acid like substance on the vault door making it melt away to reveal in the center of the vault surrounded by all kinds of technology laid a single red box and when jex saw it he smiled.

"Well hello my beautiful," Jex said and grabs it but when he did alarms immediately went off so he transformed it into his hypnotick form and phase through the ceiling and eventually making it to the roof of the building and what's he was about to leave when he was met with a punch to the face making him drop the energy converter and after a second to shake the pain off he lifted his Head to see the teams with Ben as xcl8 and jex smile.

"So we meet again," Jex said but killa tried to tackle him but he just became intangible making her say he's through him. "And there you go being predictable again it's honestly kind of sad," he said before a picked up the energy converter and began walking to the exit only for it to be frozen shut.

"Now who's predictable," frost said but Jex just responded with rapid fire shots from his wrist blaster to which frost became intangible and Eve launched multiple mana discs at Jex but jex slammed his fist into the ground making green Crystal sprout from the ground and block the mana discs Jex then spread his hands making the crystals grow around him filming a dome around him and Ben transformed into armadrillo and begin to break the crystals apart but when they broke it open the only thing they saw was an empty dome with a hole in the ground but then the ground began to shake and Jex jumped out of the ground in his slamworm transformation

"Now who's predictable," frost said but Jex just responded with rapid fire shots from his wrist blaster to which frost became intangible and Eve launched multiple mana discs at Jex but jex slammed his fist into the ground making green Crystal spro...

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And warped his now snake-like body around Ben and started to squeeze him making the sound of bending metal as he squeezed Ben's metals body.

"Hey jex," Jex heard making him turn just as Howler used his Sonic Howl boosted by his speaker backpack making Jex drop Ben and cover his ears and with him stun frost froze the ground beneath jex and killa tossed Crawnch as he inflated his arm and delivered a powerful punch knocking jex off balance and falling and chirp shot the nemetrix making jex transform back to his original form but then Jex got up slipped a minute on the ice before balanceing and raised his wrist blasters preparing to shoot the team but then GoTro fused with his wrist blasters and short circuited them making them blow up on his wrist luckily the blast did not hurt him but it did make Jex throw the weapons off his wrist and now with no weapons he stood before the entire team thinking about what to do but then he's so the energy converter and quickly went and picked it up.

"Haa I still win," Jex said before he ran off with this super speed.

"Lula you need to go after him you're the only one who can go fast enough to reach his speed," Eve said and after a second of hesitation Lula went after him and so the chase was on all throughout the city they waste over Bridges, through streets, and down alleyways but no matter what he did he just couldn't seem to shake Lula off his non-existent tali so in a desperate attempt he went into a construction site and went up a building that was currently being built with the crew fully gone for the night until he made it to the top but Lula was on his tear and a few seconds afterwards she stood a few feet away.

"Okay Jex you're games of evil ends Tonight," Lula said and Jex smiled before dropping the energy converter in super speed run to Lula making her flinch but she regained her confidence when jex hold his hands out.

"Well congratulations Lula looks like you caught me,"Jex said and Lula began to slowly take cuffs out of her back pocket but was on the lookout in case he tried something "but first allow me to congratulate you," Jex said and Lula was about to ask what he meant when certainly Jex got really close to her until finally their lips connected surprising Lula but she eventually leaned into it but then Lula felt something wrong as she suddenly felt tired and Jex laughed.

"Oops did I forget to mention I coated my lips in a kind of sleeping drug works almost instantly, luckily the nemetrix made me immune to it, you on the other hand are not," jex said before Lula collapsed and jex was about to leave when he looked at Lula and look down at his hand before feeling a warmth in his heart.

"Why do I feel this way when I'm close to her, I'm supposed to hate her," Jex said but he quickly shook the thought off and was about to leave when he looked back at lula and signed before carrying Lula down the building before placing her in a wheelbarrow and throwing a warm cover over her that he made from the covering at the construction site in running back to base.

And that is end to chapter 17 I hope you guys enjoy and please wait for chapter 18 also tell me what you think about it

quick pain (Turned oc x Lula) A 5yl StoryWhere stories live. Discover now