the plumber party

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Jex's pov

It was 8:28 the party starts at 8:30, I was almost ready and was in front of a mirror just trying to figure out what to wear, I didn't want to wear anything over the top so I just throw on a simple blue T-shirt and black jeans and walked out of my room and to the main room where the party was being hosted and open the door to reveal a room full with lights and music and after a second for my eyes to adjust, I walk and noticed Lula was there so I decided to talk to her and on the way to her I say my team all have a good time even kllie and howler was having a good time which was rare for the two but no time for that as I reached Lula who haven't noticed me.

"Interesting party huh," I said getting Lula attention.

"Oh Jex you came, I thought you weren't coming if I remember correctly you didn't like party when we were kids," Lula said and I smiled, even after all this time she remember me.

"yeah, well that was then and this is now so I changed a bit," i said and Lula returned the smile but then I noticed the full moon out a window and got a idea.

"You remember what else we liked to do as kid," I said and Lula gave a sly smile before I grabbed her hand and ran out of the party followed by Lula.

Some time later

Me and Lula were sitting on the roof on one of the heads of Rushmore looking at the moon and stars pointing at the constellations and laughing about old stories we would tell us as kids and I was happy For the fact it was like old times but then I noticed my hand was close to Lula and I slowly moved to grab it by when I was almost there I hesitate before move away and Lula didn't notice but she did smile and as long as she did I was happy but then lula ask a question i was not ready for.

"so Jex where have you been all these years," Lula said and almost instantly my smile faded but is came back in a few nervous chuckles.

"what do you mean.Lula,"  I said

"You know what I mean if you were alive why didn't you come back," said and I started to feel pain in my chest.

"I think it's time for bed," I say in a voice that I wasn't even sure was mine as i walked away I could hear Lula say something but I wasn't sure what I I know was to get away from it all and soon I was back in my room and even though it was 3 hours before lights out I hopped on my bed and closed my eyes and started to fall asleep but not before thinking of a single thought.

"She doesn't know, how doesn't she know,"

quick pain (Turned oc x Lula) A 5yl StoryWhere stories live. Discover now