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Jex's pov

I was walking around in the dark with nothing around me I tried to call out for Lula, Ben, or just anyone only for no one to hear me but then the black world change to a place I know all to well, my very own home planet chalybeas and to say i was confused would be a under statement but what really puzzled me was the a butch of ships loading other citrakayah that's when it hit me this was the evacuation of chalybeas and if that's the case then that would mean--- but before I could finish the thought a explosion went off making me fall to the ground as a crowd of citrakayah ran around me to the ship and through the crowd I saw the familiar purple fur of Lula and tried to get up and ran after her but another explosion push me to the ground and I was out for a unknown for a unknown amount of time but when I woke up I heard the sound of a ship powering up and saw that there was only one ship left and i quickly got up despite I legs yell at me to lay back down and i started run despites my legs being in agony but no matter how fast I ran I couldn't get to the ship in time and now I was the only citrakayah left on my planet but that wasn't the worst part is that I wasn't the only one on the planet and I was quickly when I Heard I gun click and turned to see a Kineceleran with a blaster and I didn't even have enough strength to pick myself up so all I could do was lay down, close my eyes, and await my demise


The sounds of heavy shots came out but I didn't feel anything so I opened my eyes to find myself back in the black void and stand across from me was myself but this jex's face was one of disappointment and sickness and with a head shack he said.

"I can't believe you just gave up like that, you know if you keep being so bad at defending yourself how can you expect to defend others if you want my advice you might as well just be the one who destroys it all, after all the universe made you suffer so why not make the universe suffer with you," the other me said and I was shocked, this isn't the way I think, I would never want to cause harm to those around me.


There was the sound again and me and the other me both looked up before the other me smiling and chuckled in a voice that was very much not like me.

"Well that's looks like my cue to leave, think about what I said and be careful I have a feeling someone might betray you later," the other me said and began to walk away but just before I could ask him what he meant I began to feel drowsy.

Real world

I jump up on my bed from The nightmare I had.


The sound coming from my door was so sudden that I fell out of bed from surprise before I quickly got up and super speed ran to the door before opening the door to reveal Max.

"Oh Max nice to see you,"  I said like anything is normal.

"Hey Jex Ben told me to get you for today's mission according to him you're going to be a very big part in it," max said

"Ok I get Ready and meet you there," I said and closed the door before making my way to the shower and turned the water on and was about to take my clothes off we I suddenly look at myself in the mirror and for a spilt second I could have sworn I saw the other me in my reflection and that led me to ask him myself a single question.

I don't want to make people suffer, RIGHT?

quick pain (Turned oc x Lula) A 5yl StoryWhere stories live. Discover now