a brag about his power

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As citizens were running as 3 buildings collapsed not far away from them and Jex slow walked around looking around at the chaos before he looked at a building and lifted his hand and quickly closed it into a fist making another building collapse he then telekinetic grab the debris from the collapsed building and used them to form a giant castle in the middle of the city and Jex smiled

"My very own dream home," Jex said as he laughed but he stopped laughing when he heard the sounds of sirens and he smiled

"Oh good I was wondering when some resistance would show up," Jex thought as some cop cars pulled up and police officers got out and all pointed their guns at jex

"Hands above your head now," one of the office said and Jex smiled as he raised both of his hands however when he did that two of the four police cars got lifted up off the ground before Jex quickly put his hands together making the police cars crash into each other that made a explosion destroying both cars.

"Open fire,"one of the police officers said all of the officers began to  unload rounds of bullets at Jex who just stood there with all the bullets bouncing off of his skin and this continued on until all the cops went out of bullets to which point jex just brush himself off and laugh

"My turn," Jex said as he then made a circle motion with his hand before pushing the circle towards the offices and when that happened one of the offices hands began to look older followed by the rest of his body and his team were no different as they all quickly grew older before turning to dust and jex smile but was interrupted when a very fast object collided with his back with make explosion however Jex was just fine if not for being slightly annoyed as he turned around and saw a tank and he used his Powers to see through the tank and saw a man in it loading another missile before firing it however Jex stopped the missile in mid air before turning the missile around and launching it back at the tank making the tank blow up killing the man inside but then Jex heard something in the sky and looked up to see a helicopter with a minigun that begun to fire at him and Jex just stood there as bullets rained down on him before Jex flew above the helicopter and ripped off the propellers making the helicopter crash killing all of the agents on it and just when he thought it was ovar he turned around to see an entire military army coming for him and his sighed

"Okay I'm already starting to get annoyed by these guys," jex said and stomped the ground with his foot making a massive crack in the planet crust open making the entire army fall into the fiery depths below and Jex laughed but then he noticed a plumber's ship fly above him making him smile

"Oh good I was wondering when our playdate would begin," Jex said as he made his way to his castle to get ready for set playdate

And that's it for this chapter I made this chapter as a way to show off jex new capabilities but that's only just the tip of the iceberg for which to show

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