wake up darling and listen to my evil plan

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Lula woke up in a dark cave and she get up and tried to walk around but fell to the ground and she looked behind her and saw her leg chained to the ground and then she heard...Singing?

"We'll meet again don't know how don't know when oh I'm sure we'll meet again some sunny day, "she turned around to see jex with a piano singing and then he looked at Lula and Lula tried to get her Klawz but quickly noticed that she didn't have them.

"Looking for theses," Jex said and hold out her Klawz before he toss them in a fire place melting them and lula got up.

"What do you want jex," Lula said and Jex got up and teleported the piano away.

"What do I want from you? Lula you upset me why would you assume I want something can't I just invite a friend over," jex said and placed his hand on lula shoulder  but Lula pushed his hand away.

"If you don't need anything then why am I still alive," Lula said and Jex with hate in his eyes grab lula by the neck and pin her to the wall.

"Because maybe I want you to see me in my greatest hour, when my whole plan gets put into motion and I become ruler of the universe," jex said and squeeze harder and Lula eyes rolled back in her head.

"C-can't...b-breathe," Lula barely managed to speak before Jex eyes softened and release her dropping her to the ground and she coughed for a few seconds and jex walked toward a table before breaking it in half to finish off his frustration.

"W-what is your plan anyway,"Lula said and jex smiled and walk to a table that had a cloth over it to which he quickly pulled away to reveal the null void projector gauntlet.

"I'm glad you asked You see I have a predator for almost every single one of Ben's aliens the key word being almost but Ben Celestia sapien DNA better known as alien x doesn't have a natural predator or at least that's what everybody's thinks," Jex said and Lula gasps.

'are you saying that you find a predator for celestial sapiens,' Lula said and Jex nodded and continued.

"Correct only problem is that the celestial sapiens banished their predator to another dimension and cut off that dimension from the others so my plan is to build me a device that would allow me to go to that dimension where I will then scan the DNA of the natural predator of the celestial sapiens and I will achieve God like abilities and powers that will overpower even alien x and then I will tear this universe apart and I will build a new one with me as the supreme ruler I have gathered all the materials now I just need an energy source and I know just who to go after none other than Ben's cousin Gwen, her Anodite form will supplying me with enough energy to open the portal-," jex said and grab lula by the hand. "-join me Lula and you could become my queen when I control the universe," jex said but lula pull away

"You're insane if you think I'll join you," lula said and jex laughed

"I'm insane either way but if you refuse my request fine I still have a use for you," jex said and Lula was concerned as  grabbed Lula's plumber badge that he took off of her and activated the tracking beacon on it before placing it on the table and begun to walk away but then Lula noticed a screw driver on the ground next to her and she grabbed it and used it to break the lock on her chains and attempted to grab Jex but he gave Lula a roundhouse into a wall and shot her with energy nets pinning her to the wall.

"When Ben and the others come to save you I will capture Gwen and force her to power my machine,"jex said and rip off a piece of duct tape that he had lying around and placed it over her mouth before running off

And that's the next chapter done

quick pain (Turned oc x Lula) A 5yl StoryWhere stories live. Discover now