Chapter 1: My beginning

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The streets of New York are bustling with people and cars. My long cream coat flaps in the cold winter wind as I stuff my hands in the pockets. I can practically feel my lips turning pinker than their usual shade from the cold. With my coat covering up almost all my body, and my boots covering my feet, only my delicate face is exposed to the harsh weathers of America.

No one would guess that I'm wearing a full black agent outfit, loaded with weapons right now. 

I weave my way through the crowd, fully confident of my direction. The familiar 'Rendezvous' hotel falls into my sight and a small grin tugs on my lips. The electrifying feeling of excitement and hunger for blood shoots through my body. It's been a full month since I've been given a mission and I'm practically dying to use my guns and knives. 

I walk into the hotel with a brisk, pace, reciting the information of todays target in my head. Joshua Warner. 35 years old. Known for multiple cases of rape and pedophile behaviour. After multiple cases and years in prison, he still doesn't learn his lesson. The government did what they could legally, but bastards like Joshua just need to be erased from existence. That's where I come in. Killing these idiots who choose to hurt innocent civilians even after rotting away in prison cells, I complete the dirty work. Though, not that I'm complaining. 

There's a young man sitting at the reception. Judging from his baby face and innocence in his blue eyes, he can't be older than 25 years. Perfect.

He looks up from his computer as I stop in front of him. He's gorgeous. A sharp jawline perfectly compliments his tanned skin and pink lips. Maybe after my job I'll snag him up. 

"Yes, how may I help you ma'am?" A deep voice too. 

A seductive smile plays on my face as I lean over the counter, so close to him. I can feel his heartbeat pick up and I chuckle. My lips are so close I can just turn my so so slightly to the left head and he'll be mine. He won't be able to resist my beauty, even with the fake face mask I have on. 

I pull out a familiar rectangular shape from my pocket while whispering, "My name's Angel. I'm here to meet Mr. Joshua Warner on the 25th floor, room number 70."

"M-may I ask why, m-ma'am?"

"I think you know the reason why Mr. Joshua Warner  would call a woman to his hotel room." I wink at him.

I lean back and hand him the identity card, watching his beet red cheeks. Cute. He looks at the photo on the card and at my face several times and I know he's checking my identity. Well, at least he's decent at his job. He analyses my contacted brown irises, my browned skin, my pink lips, my black hair... and then hands me the card.

"Of coarse ma'am. I'll show you the way."

Hmm. Maybe not so good at his job after all. 

The elevator doors open and the worker stops in front of one of the hundreds of doors on this floor. Number 70. He gestures towards it and I give a nod followed by a wink as I watch him scurry away. 

I take a breath in and have to stop myself from jumping in excitement as I open the door to find Joshua shirtless on a couch with two women on either side of him.

To be continued...

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