Chapter 17: Truth or Dare?

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"Alright" I shrug and pull myself up into a sitting position so that I'm facing him.

"Truth or dare, Rose." He says and I realise that it's the first time he's said my name - even if it's not even my real name.

"Truth" I play it safe.

"Have you had any boyfriends?"

I actually laugh at this. "Do I look like someone who hasn't?"

He considers this then says, "How many?"

I click my tongue. "Only one question at a time," and a smirk forms on my face. "Truth or dare."

"Dare" He contradicts my tactic and decides to plunge into the water before testing it first.

I think for a moment before getting up and walking over to the wardrobe. There's dozens of sweaters and shirts and pants and shorts and socks and shoes and underwear. A devilish grin curves on my lips as I pull out a bright yellow sweater, bright pink sweatpants, superman underwear, and minions socks - stuff I wouldn't have expected a serial killer to have.

"Put these on and keep them on for the whole game." I dump the pile in Thyme's lap. He just stares at the unicorn puke for a good 5 seconds and I start to think that he isn't going to wear it until he stands, picks up the clothes and leaves for the bathroom. 

2 minutes later he's back. My mouth drops because, God fucking damn, how does he manage to look good in shit?? The bright yellow and pink make his tan skin stand out and his deep blue eyes shoot lethal daggers at me. Still, I throw myself into a fit of laughter because of how gorgeously cute yet ridiculous he looks. He gives a dramatic pout before sitting back down at his spot. My giggles recede away slowly as he gives me an eyeroll.

"Truth or dare."

"Dare" After the little spectacle, I'm feeling a little spontaneous.

"You need to sit in the passenger seat while I drive the Mclaren." He smirks and leans back on his arms. 

My jaw drops. He laughs. 

"No no no no no. Something else. Anything else. I'll do anything but that." I plead. He shakes his head, unable to form words between his laughter. 

I pout and stare down, tears welling up in my eyes. As his laughter fades, one, two, three drops fall and leave spots on the mattress. 

"Oh shit." I hear him mutter. I sniffle and wipe my eyes. "Hey... um... look... uh... ok fine! You can have the Mclaren, okay? I don't want it. You can drive all the way back and I won't take it even once. In fact, I won't even sit in the passenger seat! I'll sit at the back so you can trust me, alright? Stop crying, please stop crying." 

I whip my head up, a giant grin on my face. I watch his genuine concern shift to shock as I laugh and fall back. 

"What... you weren't actually crying?!" His outrage is evident in his voice and it only makes me wheeze more. "This is ridiculous, how did you do that?" But I can't answer him because, fuck, I can't breathe through my laughter and my fake tears are mixed with tears from laughing.

I sit back up, content with my belly laugh. Thyme has his arms crossed and a frown on his face, his eyes trained on the opposite wall. I grin and throw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I feel him flinch beneath me as I lean in close to his ear, resting my chin on his shoulder. He smells like that fresh, satisfying smell you get of dirt right after it rains. "Are you mad at me?" 

He looks down at me and our faces are so, so close. My grin dissipates and I feel adrenaline seeping into my system. 

"Seriously," He says and I can smell the freshness of fruit in his breath, "how did you do that?"

The grin returns and I giggle as I fall back onto the pillows, stretching my arms and legs as if I'm about to start making a snowangel on the bed. "I don't know, I've always been able to do it." I say, "I used to think that everyone could do it but apparently not." A sly grin folds onto my face. Thyme mirrors my grin and shoves me away to make room for himself. I let out a grunt of protest as he lies down next to me. 

"No." I say, my face tilted towards him.

"What?" His brows furrow.

"We haven't exactly become besties that we can just start having sleepovers and sharing beds. Get off." I keep my face blank. I haven't forgiven him for fooling me on our first encounter yet. 

He frowns and stares at me for a moment before shifting his gaze to the ceiling.

"Why should I get off. You go." 

I sit up, leaning on my arm. "What do you mean 'you go'. Like hell am I going anywhere. I'm the one who got us out of that torture room, I'm the one who killed most of the guards and I'm the one who killed the mangiant! Therefore, I have more rights than you to sleep on the bed." I fall back down on the mattress and swing my arms and legs wide, one arm landing on Thyme's face and one leg landing over his calf. 

He shoves my arm off his face and props himself up on an elbow. "Yeah, but you're also the one who brought us to this place."

"So?" I pout.

"So you're the one who put us in danger in the first place which means that you are obliged to protect us." He grins.

I frown and copy his position saying, "Yeah but if we had never come here, we wouldn't have known that there are people after us and who they are. Finding Leonardo brings us a step closer to our goal because these people definitely know about Keith. Isn't that why you tied him up instead of killing him? We need those answers." 

And I know that we're no longer playing games and it's all serious talk now. Thyme understands this too as his grin fades away and nods. I get up and make my way to the torture room. I take a peek inside but Leonardo is still unconscious. Closing the door, I climb back into bed while checking the time. The time has rushed on to 11pm. 

"It's too late to stay up and torture him." I say as I pull the covers up, "We'll do it in the morning. But it's much too dangerous to sleep without our guards up so we'll take turns at the lookout shift. You can bring a chair and sit on it and wake me up in 2 hours." 

I turn to face away from him. He doesn't say anything. Doesn't move either. I start to worry that he suddenly stopped breathing or something but then there's rustling and he's up. He opens the door and turns the lights off and I want to know what he does next but fatigue catches me in its trap and my eyelids a closing. I think I've fallen asleep.

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